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Hi All
I know! I said I would post Chapter 2 of "The Tale of Sheriff O'Dell" on Wednesday but I figured what the hell. It was done and people seemed to like it. So I let fly tonight.
I hope it meets your entertainment needs.
Hi All
Well, out here in RL land, I've been having to do a bit of driving lately. The radio content sucks. Sirius XM wasn't appealing to me. So I turned to an old stand by from the early days.
I remembered listening to Tom Clancy books on cassette. (Cassette is an arcane form of audio recording for you children). So I joined Audible and began to loose my mind downloading Louis L'Amore books.
The result was that my muse went all western on me. I am posting the results in the form of "The Tale Of Sheriff O'Dell". Chapter 1 will post on Sunday AM and chapter 2 will post on Wednesday.
I've always had a soft spot for westerns. I was going to load this one up with sex but changed my mind; although there is a certain stallion named Smooth that does seem to get lucky at the most fortunate times.
Hi All
The dreaded real world has been screwing with me. I am posting the third and final chapter of "The Christmas Training Trip" in the "Team Is Family" Universe.
The real world has steadied up and I'm looking forward to getting back to work on the several open ended stories I've neglected.
Lastly, I'm going to take a cruise to Alaska in July/August. On said cruise, I'm looking forward to decompressing and finishing any unfinished stories. Going to be leaving out of San Fran to get the first two days as just nonstop sailing.
Life keeps moving on.
Hi All
Tomorrow the Halloween Story Contest entries will post. I tossed one in for the hell of it (pun?) I hope you read all the submitted stories and vote for the the ones you enjoy the most. Maybe even my own, maybe.
Hi All
I've had my nose to the grindstone at work and have only been able to write a few paragraphs at a time. But The Christmas Training Trip Chapter 2 is complete and will be posted today. Chapter 3 will be completed in a few weeks when I rewrite the rewrite of the edited version of the rewrite!
Happy Halloween
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