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I'm not sure I'll have the next chapter up in time for Christmas. Though it should be sometime next week. Hope y'all have a great weekend.
After many trials and tribulations, new chapter is in the queue to be posted. I hope y'all enjoy it. I'm going to take a day or two to rest on my laurels and then I'll get back to slaving with pen and paper.
So the new chapter is off for editing, finally. Once those wonderful editors make my inane thoughts readable it will be y'alls to read. Hope everyone is doing alright. Let's hope those in charge finally get the people affected by the last two storms the help they need.
So, I know I'm behind and wish I had better news. Real life is getting in the way of writing. I was given a shift change at work and adapting to the new schedule has been tough. I'm now working from nine at night until six in the morning. And we're coming on peak season which means I'll probably be working a bunch of overtime.
For some reason this has completely got me spinning. I'm writing but in drips and drabs. I'm hoping maybe by the end of next week to have the next chapter off to editing.
I know as an avid reader that this off and on posting schedule is annoying as hell. I'm doing my best, and I appreciate those that are sticking around for this ride. Hope y'all have a great weekend and your favorite team wins unless it's the Packers.
So the next chapter will be set to post in the morning. Hope y'all have a great week. I know mine is going to be horrible, so I've got that going for me.
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