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Wojtek: Blog


Just a varied thought.

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So I went back to work. Dealing with the OTR drivers I had a thought. Have you ever seen somebody's name and thought. "You unlucky bastard."

Had a driver whose last name was Raper. Personally, I'd have had get a new last name.

So, there's big trouble in little China.

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Well, I get my partial day off for new years. When I wake up this afternoon, I'm sick as a dog.

I feel hot as hell. Getting out of bed I started shivering a lot.

Now I don't want to start down the conspiracy rabbit hole. But it's kinda funny that they talk about bird flu and here I am.

So let's talk about the people I think did this to me.

First, Santa Claus. Then there's Biden. And lastly China. Or it could be a combination of all three.

I actually have a good idea where I got this. But he shall remain nameless till o can shame him.

So y'all have a very happy new years eve. I'm going to wither away on my deathbed ruing that I won't be writing a new chapter for awhile.

New Chapter on the way.

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So the new chapter is in the queue to be uploaded. It's a day or two longer than I would have liked, but not much that can be done about that.

I'm starting work on the new chapter tonight, so hopefully this one will be up a little quicker than the last. I hope that y'all had a great Christmas with your loved ones. Be safe this New Years.

Update time.

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I'm not sure I'll have the next chapter up in time for Christmas. Though it should be sometime next week. Hope y'all have a great weekend.

It's here, it's finally here.

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After many trials and tribulations, new chapter is in the queue to be posted. I hope y'all enjoy it. I'm going to take a day or two to rest on my laurels and then I'll get back to slaving with pen and paper.



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