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Wojtek: Blog


New chapter.

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Next chapter is set for Wednesday morning upload. I probably won't do anymore updates until I'm back from vacation. So be good, and if you can't be good, don't get caught.

State of the story address.

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So, the next chapter is in the process of being edited. I'm figuring that it'll be posted this week. Either way it will be posted before I go on vacation.

I'll be gone from the last week of September through the first week of October. This is the first real vacation that I've had in a few years, so I'm taking advantage of all I can. I'll be traveling the whole time so there won't be any time for writing during this time.

I'm currently working on the next chapter, so hopefully I'll have it either done or mostly done before I go on vacation.

This final thing I wanted to let y'all know was that my writing time will be reduced for a while after I get back. My work is in its peak season, we service companies for the holidays. If the last week and the upcoming week are any indicator, we're going to be working between 50 and 50 hours for the foreseeable future.

This means my posting may stretch out a little more than they are now. I have had advice on how to manage my writing, the way I do it works for me and my miniscule attention span.

I truly appreciate the positive support that 99.9% of y'all show me. It means a lot that y'all are enjoying the weird shit that seems to swirl around my head and make its way onto paper.

Somebody else I need to address is my editors/proofreaders. They are the main cog to making the ramblings of my mind coherent enough that somebody might enjoy them. They truly do yeoman's work.

Enough of me rambling on. Y'all have a great week, and may you and yours be healthy, wealthy, and wise.

Here you go

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So the next chapter is in the queue to upload. I'm already working on the next chapter, so hopefully it won't take as long to get done as this one did. Have a great week.


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So I'm running good a few days behind on this chapter. They decided that it was time for some mandatory overtime at work which put me behind the eight ball.

Just so I keep you guys aware. Starting in the beginning of Sept the posting is going to be a but more irregular. Work is entering our peak season which means overtime on a regular basis.

On top of that I'm going on vacation end of September for two weeks. It's needed so that I don't go postal at work. My goal is to post a chapter before I leave.

Hope y'all are doing well.

New chapter time

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New chapter will be up in the morning. Hope y'all are staying cool and having a good week.



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