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So I'm running good a few days behind on this chapter. They decided that it was time for some mandatory overtime at work which put me behind the eight ball.
Just so I keep you guys aware. Starting in the beginning of Sept the posting is going to be a but more irregular. Work is entering our peak season which means overtime on a regular basis.
On top of that I'm going on vacation end of September for two weeks. It's needed so that I don't go postal at work. My goal is to post a chapter before I leave.
Hope y'all are doing well.
New chapter will be up in the morning. Hope y'all are staying cool and having a good week.
So I'm working fat little fingers to the bone to get you guys the next chapter. Hopefully I can get it to the editors this weekend. Hope y'all are surviving the onslaught of climate change.
Hopefully if all goes well the new chapter should be up in the morning, Saturday at the latest.
So, the next chapter is off to editing. Hopefully they can read my chicken scratch and make something readable out of it. I would like to wish all you fathers out there a happy Father's Day. I have no kids that I'm aware of, so I'm going to do what most males with or without kids does on a Sunday. Drink beer and smoke some ribs. Have a great day.
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