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Wojtek: Blog


Happy Thanksgiving.

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Hopefully y'all are laying on the couch stuffed full of turkey, fat and happy.

I just want to wish y'all a happy Thanksgiving and a short update.

Real life is kicking my ass at the moment. The writing is coming, just not as quick as I'd like. I'm about halfway through the next chapter. Hopefully being off tomorrow will stimulate the writing g juices.

Hope everyone's time with family was joyous and drama free.

Almost there.

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We're almost ready to post the next chapter. I know it's been a long time coming.

Last minute editing is going on as we speak. Posting should occur no later than Friday. If Murphy doesn't jump up and bite me in the ass.

Hope y'all are doing well and work doesn't suck too bad.

It's off.

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I finally got the next chapter off to editing. I'm going to take this weekend to clean up some errors that were printed out to me in previous chapters. Monday I'll start writing the new chapter. Hope y'all have a great weekend.


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I have finally finished writing the next chapter written. Hopefully I can get it to editing by the muddle of this week.

It has been harder than than I thought it would to get back into writing. Between adjusting back to the time difference and work it's been a slog.

Hopefully y'all are doing well.

Well, back to the fucking grind.

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Here I sit in the Montréal Airport for a four hour layover. Could be worse, some flights had a God awful 17 hour layover.

So I figured that I'd give y'all an update as to where things are currently sitting. I should be home around 2300, and I'm not doing shot tonight or tomorrow except smoking some baby back ribs.

Not that y'all really care that I'm going to sit on my ass tomorrow. Y'all want to k own where the next chapter is at.

So, I was about a third if the way done with the next chapter before leaving on vacation. I go back to the real world of having to earn a living Monday. Will have to see if they try and force me to work overtime without the 24 hrs notice required.

Now to what y'all have been waiting for. My goal is to start writing Tuesday or Wednesday. If work doesn't fuck me, and the writing gods don't fuck me. I'm hoping a week or so to knock out the rest of the chapter. I'll confess a few times one my flights and cab rides. My mind drifted to the story.

Well, y'all have a good weekend. As I'm drinking at the airport, I'll wish y'all Sto Lat.



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