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Wojtek: Blog


New Chapter

Posted at

So the new chapter is set to post today. I hope y'all have a great holiday. Be safe and enjoy the time with friends and family.

Update and a bit of bitching.

Posted at

So if everything goes right the next chapter should go to editing this weekend.

Though I probably won't get much writing done in the next week. Thats where the bitching comes in. I now have overtime scheduled for Saturday and Sunday, plus for all of next week.

I'm hoping to keep progressing during that time. Though I don't hold much hope for that. Y'all have a great weekend and don't get in too much trouble.

About time

Posted at

I'm guessing that's what most of y'all will be thinking reading this. The new chapter will go live tomorrow morning.

I hope y'all enjoy it and I'm already working on the next chapter. Which hopefully won't take as long. Hope y'all had a great weekend and the week goes well.

Honoring Memorial day and an update.

Posted at Updated:

I hope y'all had a good day honoring those who gave the ultimate sacrifice, primarily for the brother next to them. Though ultimately for every single person in their country.

As for the story. The next chapter is in editing, and will be posted as soon as possible. I'll start work on the next chapter tomorrow.

Home of the free, because of the brave.- unknown

Fair winds and following seas.

Hope y'all are well.

Well, things don't always go to plan.

Posted at

It's taken me a lot longer to finish this chapter than I thought it would. Life, work and the difficulties of writing seem to be plotting against me.

So the actual writing is done. I'm getting it ready to send off to editing. Hopefully that'll be accomplished before the weekend.

I thank y'all for your patience. Have a great week. May you and yours be safe and prosperous.



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