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oyster50: Blog


Still alive...

Posted at 4/21/2016, 12:51:10 AM

I am still alive, a bit out of breath from chasing an elusive muse, but I did manage to ratchet out a chapter of Dana which I just sent to the editor. Should be rolling out in a day or two.

I think that will be the final chapter of Dana as a separate story. She's going to be intertwined with the Community in my happy little universe.

That leaves me worried about Dorable, my quirky muse. She likes having three stories going, and I will only be working on two. I have no idea what may pop up.

Memory is the second thing that goes...

Posted at 3/28/2016, 9:36:10 PM

I don't remember what the first thing is...

Several of you have written me about my horrible mistake of the surname of the protagonist in Serendipity. One of you listed my errors by chapter. I have just queued up the corrected chapters 2,3 & 6 for re-posting.

This tells me a couple of things -

First, I need to do a better job of keeping notes on my stories instead of pulling these things out to thin air or one body orifice or another.

Second, it means I have eagle-eyed readers who catch things and take the time to write me and tell me. I do appreciate that.

I also want to thank reader 'Ed' for providing so much of the latest chapters of Community Too. His ideas laid the groundwork for the new airplane in that story as well as the meeting at the college over the Munchkin Mafia and the set-up for Cindy's doctoral dissertation defense.

Ed is not the first of you to send me story ideas to use, but of late, he has been extremely helpful.

As always, keep the comments coming. They are a very pleasant addition to the huge checks I get for writing these stories.


Posted at 3/17/2016, 11:17:33 PM

Pasted the wrong clip into the new chapter of Serendipity.

Fixed it. The right one should post in a bit. For those who got here early, you got a preview of the next chapter of Community Too

Not ALL my fault

Posted at 3/12/2016, 10:33:33 PM

In regard to Chapter 35 of Community Too you will note that about two-thirds of the way through the chapter Alan gets a phonecall concerning Terri. That's an idea sent to me by one of my readers, 'Ed', that just seems to be too good to pass up.

So, a tip of the hat to Ed. I hope I can make it work out to his satisfaction.

Outrunning Dorable

Posted at 3/5/2016, 1:09:10 AM

I am starting to outrun Dorable, my sometimes uncooperative muse.

I've been posting pretty heavily, about a chapter a day, of late, but things are slowing down. Dorable complains of the vapors.



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