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oyster50: Blog


Brain farts

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Hazard of getting old. Every now and then one will show up as an error in one of my stories. I made a couple of doozies in Community Too and had it gracefully pointed out to me by you guys. Thanks for reading that closely and tanks for taking time to send me a note so I can get stuff right.

Writing stuff

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Chapter 49 of Community Two got me an avalanche of comments due to the size of the disruption to the happy group.

Of course you have to realize that BEFORE that little earthquake, I'd gotten some comments that things in that story were getting just a bit too saccharine.

To all of you who wrote me to express yourselves, I can say "Thanks!" It shows you're paying attention. That most of you also expressed dismay at our Nikki's situation, that tells me that you're into the story and you care about the characters. That's good. I wanted my people to be engaging. It appears that to many of you I have succeeded.

And hang on... more to follow.

Since it's been almost a month

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I surmise that this is a good time to post a note to my readers.

Lots of out of town work has been keeping me on the road and off the computer. My muse is flighty when I'm at home. When we're on the road, the little thing's almost invisible.

She seems to be more active as the weather cools, and we're getting ready to get our first dip into the fifties this weekend.

I would be remiss if I did not say that the ideas that some of you have sent me are finding their way into one story line or another. Community Too gets the most suggestions. I think many readers have pictures of the main characters in that story fixed in their mind's eye, as do I. It's pretty easy for me to think 'What would Cindy do' and get a bit of story. All I can say is 'Thanks'!

It's not my fault

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I actually have a REAL job, you know, because it gives me pocket change to go with the HUUUUGE checks I get as a writer here. The real job has been pretty demanding, of late.

However, driving back and forth over the roads I get a chance to mull over the stories, and I came up with a new one. It's in the queue. It should show up today.

In the meantime, I hope to sort of ramp up the posting schedules on my other stories as well. To all of you who've sent me email and comments, asking if I was okay, thanks.

It's all about ME...

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Many of you know from the news that Louisiana, my home state, has seen some record-breaking rainfall and widespread flooding. A few of you have asked how I was faring.

I didn't flood. My work is affected by flooding at one site, another is iffy, and on top of that other projects are thundering down upon me.

I'm working on the stories as best I can. Dorable, my adorable and flighty muse, goes into hiding when work gets crazy, but she does give me a quick goose or two... I just sent a chapter of Dorable off to the editor, so in a day or two...

Until then, remember, patience is a virtue.



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