Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

oyster50: Blog


New Feedback System on SOL

Posted at

Because I don't pay a lot of attention, this one snuck (that's the past tense of 'sneak') up on me.

There's a new feedback system going into effect today. Instead of your comments on my stories going out to my Gmail address where they show up in an external email program, they will stay here on the SOL site.

I hope it works well. Reading and replying to comments is a big pleasure that keeps me writing.

However, if you want to contact me outside SOL, then my Gmail address is still Please feel free to use this as often as you like.

Where'd he go?

Posted at

I WAS running a pretty good pace of posting, three or four chapters a week, keeping three stories going for a while.

Life intruded. I have a REAL job to augment the HUGE checks I get monthly for these stories. Anyway, I've been all over my territory doing the magical things they pay me to do. All of that was finished Wednesday.

I should be back on a more frequent posting schedule as soon as my muse gets done with her pouting over my neglect.

Clitorides are out!

Posted at

I didn't make the top three in any category, but my name is all over the place - in several categories.

Thank you to all who took the time to nominate me and my stories again.


Posted at Updated:

My muse, Dorable, has been very cooperative of late. We've been chugging out a chapter every two or three days. A lot of that is that I've been home every night.

That changes. Wednesday I'm traveling, won't be back in my own chair until Friday evening.

Depending on what goes on when I land, I may or may not get any writing in.

My last run-in with TSA (Thousands Standing Around) has me rethinking my travel load, so I'm leaving laptop behind in favor of an iPad with a keyboard. It works, but it's not as handy or natural as my trusty MacBook Pro.

We're still juggling three story lines and of course the Community3 has stories within stories. I'm having fun with all three, especially the lead-up to Bill 'n' Haley's wedding.

To all of you who read, thanks. To all of you who take time to write comments, thanks extra much.

Since you asked...

Posted at

I really enjoy how some of you readers get into my stories. I try to make my characters out as people you want to see to learn about.

Apparently, this works.

Several of you asked what happened to Bill 'n' Haley when the story Neighbors came to an end. When we last left them, Haley was fourteen and her mom acknowledged that Bill's relationship with her daughter turned Haley into a pretty decent young lady - "Whatever you're doing, keep doing it."

So year and half has passed, they kept doing it, and now it's time to sort of nail things down.

I do hope you enjoy it.



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