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oyster50: Blog


Another day - another explanation

Posted at

So somewhere in the middle of the ordeal of peeling two and a half chapters of the story of Tommy and Mimi out of Community 3, Chapters 16 & 17 of Community 3 disappeared.

I reposted Chapter 16 today and Chapter 17 will post tomorrow and Chapter 18 is residing on my computer, partially finished. With Tropical Storm (aspiring to 'Hurricane') Harvey promising rain all weekend, I should finish a chapter of Bill & Haley and that chapter 18 of Community 3.

Okay... Maybe THIS time

Posted at

A million of you pointed out that Chapters 3 & 4 of Tommy were the same. I just posted the correct Chapter 3. I hope this gets us right.

Thanks for your patience.

If I survive this..

Posted at

One more set of tries with Tommy. I messed up and left out the second chapter, so now I just went back and inserted it where it's supposed to be and moved everything down one spot. There are FOUR chapters. All should be correct.

Thank you to the astute readers who pointed out my error.

Dorable is sitting over there laughing at me.

Fumbling for the door...

Posted at

Okay, in the ongoing saga of trying to peel a couple of nice people out of a bigger story, I have added a bit to Chapter 1 of Tommy. It's not new, it's basically more of where his story got started in Community 3.

I've also posted Chapter 3.

All this should be stabilized enough to continue forward as my muse allows.

we're not finished yet

Posted at Updated:

My little muse Dorable is all aflitter from the celestial disturbances caused by the eclipse.

She tells me that I need to go back even further into Tommy's story, so that's going to happen. However, it won't happen tonight. I have Real Life(TM) things afoot, so tomorrow's going to be the big update, including re-ordering the three existing chapters, adding the prequel as the new Chapter 1.

Confusing, I know... But SHE says she'll take good care of me if I accede to her wishes.



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