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oyster50: Blog


Still kicking...

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As long as I'm on the right side of the dirt.

Three chapters - one for each story - since Friday, now residing in the able hands of my editor.

What took so long? Has i told you about my muse, the cute as a button, but indescribably flighty Dorable? She doesn't like it when I travel, and I've been travelling. End of year. Wrapping up projects. Keeping the wheels of industry spinning.

Still having fun with the story lines. I really got into the turmoil that took place in Bill & Haley, now with added Deena.

I'm about to fold Tommy and Mimi back into the main story.

And I have no idea what I'm gonna do next. I have this propensity to keep three stories going. Something is sure to come up.

In the meantime, it's that time of year, so to all you folks who read, Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, or just go out and enjoy a holiday season of indeterminate origin.

Story Order

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Despite tendencies to the contrary, I try to keep the postings of updates to my three active stories in order.

I broke the order - posted back to back chapters of Bill & Haley.

It's my muse Dorable's fault. This is the story she wanted to work on.

Now I'm back into seeing what happens in the Community and with Tommy and Mimi.

Writing in spite of life...

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Real Life (TM) has been nuts lately. Best I can say is that it's challenging.

In amongst days out of town, I'm managing to keep Dorable excited, as evidenced by a pretty consistent output of chapters on THREE active stories, all of which appear in the "Top Downloads" list.

I appreciate you readers who put 'em there.

I also appreciate the dozens and dozens of comments I get on the stories, even those who felt that Bill & Haley took a wrong turn. Any comment is a good comment, and if you stopped reading that story, I appreciate you reading the others.

And there are other stories waiting in the wings. That's one thing about a few days of three or four hour drives - one's mind gets a chance to wander off over the activities of story characters, and even new stories.

hang in with me, folks. I hope the ride stays interesting to you.

Still stirring...

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Fifty comments on my last blog post.

The score is 47-3 in favor of keeping on down the path of just a bit of an abnormal relationship that seems to be developing.

Folks, despite my best efforts to the contrary, sex creeps into my stories, and there's always the possibility that sexual creatures might stray outside the boundaries of the conventional mores.

B3elieve me, I write about girls **I** would like to meet. Deena, in Bill & Haley is a little bit young and a little bit adventurous and Haley may be just a little bit passive. What happened in Chapter 22 is going to continue to be a topic of conversation in Chapter 23 as conventional Haley comes to grips with the actuality of the event. She's got to think it through.

Bill and Deena will have to deal with the result. And believe me, folks, all the cards are not yet dealt.

Stirring the pot

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Okay, so in one of my stories, Bill & Haley, a bit of a lesbian element showed up and since ONE of the participants is married and the OTHER participant is the teen daughter of the husband, it's a 'cheating' scenario as well.

I knew when I wrote it, I would get reactions. I did. At last count, eight to one in favor of 'this is interesting. Keep going.' And the others are in the vein of 'you're breaking my heart. Your girls are sooo sweet and nice and monogamous.

I have had more than a little trepidation in doing this. First, **I** see my girls as sweet and nice. I try to write about likeable people.

Second, though, is I get occasional comment that my writing is getting too formulaic, that I need to add a few different elements. I think this story line is different.

One reader said that I just ran over his 'squick factor'. I'm sorry. I treasure every reader. However, as a lover of many genres of literature, I know MANY books that I've read that took off in directions I didn't particularly enjoy. Perhaps this is that.

That being said, Bill 'n' Haley will continue to parallel the goings-on in the Community, so if you hang with me, you'll still see that. If you choose to stop reading Bill 'n' Haley, I hope you continue to enjoy the other stories.

Thank you - Oyster50



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