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oyster50: Blog


Whining works...

Posted at

Thanks to all of you who responded to my lament about my muse's reluctance to generate acceptable output.

There's a chapter of COmmunity Too in the posting queue, the editor has a chapter of Mi Vida right now, and I'm working on a chapter of Dana as I am writing this.

Cindy and the gang

Posted at Updated:

A lot of you are waiting on chapters of Community Too.

So am I.

Here's the deal, folks. Those of you who started reading my 'Smart Girls' stories know that I put a lot into making likable and believable characters. The ratings that accompany these stories tell me that I have had some measure of success.

I can't make myself shortchange my girls in Community Too so sometimes it's difficult to come up with a chapter that meets MY expectations.

Patience, okay? And as always, I enjoy reading and writing back to you readers. Thanks!


Posted at

Juggling too many stories and too many characters all at once, I made a pretty major error in posting Chapter 28 of Community Too. I fixed it, I think.

To the dozen or so readers who took time to point out the error, thank you! I appreciate you reading, paying attention, and taking time to write.

Thanksgiving Wishes

Posted at

Thank you all!

I know I have an international readership. I've gotten notes from you fine people from around the globe - Australia, New Zealand, France, Germany, Great Britain, Denmark, and of course, on this side of The Pond, Canada, as well, natch, from all over the USA.

I strive to put together stories of people overcoming adversity and finding love and happiness among friends and family. The fact that my attempts result in stories with consistently high scores is one indicator that I succeed. Another is the volume of comments, mostly positive (like 20:1) about my tales.

Some of you are apparently as invested in my characters as I am,because I get several notes a week posing 'what if' and 'why doesn't' scenarios for my girls.

Makes a hack writer feel good.

That said, Thanksgiving in the USA is the beginning of our holiday season, and to all of you, all over, I wish you the very best.

Thank you-

Bumping along

Posted at

Real Life (TM) intrudes sometimes. did a fourteen hundred mile week this week.

Managed to roll out a couple of chapters. If you're into my version of 'strange', then Mi Vida is there. Dana is at a stage where I'm having fun, and Community Too has another marriage to contend with.

I'm wishing all my friends here a Happy Thanksgiving and I'm hoping for a slow three-day work week from myself.

Keep those emails coming. I enjoy reading them and answering a few. And while on the subject of feedback, it's been a while since somebody did a review of any of my stories. That's as subtle a hint as I can give.



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