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oyster50: Blog


Dorable and the air conditioner

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Dorable, my impish muse, has been very happy of late. She likes long drives through the countryside. Last week I treated her to 1300 miles, this week she'll get nine hundred, next week we'll do thirteen hundred together.

She likes air conditioning. It's summer on the Gulf Coast, high heat, high humidity and low ambition to go outside means that I hang around indoors and she whispers into my ear the ideas she came up with watching the farms and forests sliding past my car window.

All that means is that chapters of stories show up more often, which makes YOU happy, and me too, because I write a lot of this just to see what happens next.

You dear readers give me a lot of good ideas, too. Those of you know when they're incorporated.

Sooo, although it may be the summer doldrums, the stories go on.


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Summer down here on the Louisiana Gulf Coast, at least for me, is a series of short dashes from one air-conditioned haven to the next. We've had triple digit heat indices for weeks as mid ninety temperatures combine with high humidities.

Means I stay indoors. Some of that is spent writing, of course. I continue to get positive comments on my stories, and I keep going, because, like you, I want to see what happens next. As I've said before, I have only the vaguest of ideas of where I'm going, rolling down a broad avenue within which I am comfortable operating.

Many of you have written me about how YOU think my characters are thinking and acting, and you know that I've used some of those ideas in the story, making them part YOUR story, also, and I love it.

Take care, be cool, stay safe!

Still Kicking

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Still writing, too. Chapter of Community Too is up. Working on the other story. My little muse is teasing me.

That's more like it...

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So I managed to post a chapter of Mi Vida yesterday and I just sent a chapter of Community Too off to the editor today.

Apparently, Dorable, my whimsical muse, likes drugs and travel.

You folks aren't the only ones that are unhappy when I'm not writing.

Had to happen...

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Had only ONE story going, Community Too, and in the back of my head has been the ghost of another story, so here it is. It's a little different for me, but not TOO different.

Starts out slow, you know.

Let me know what you think.



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