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oyster50: Blog



Posted at

The muse has gone into hiding.

I've got a bad case of the malaise, still a little post-op pain, nagging hangovers of the nerve issue that plagued me, but it's getting better, at least I keep telling myself that.

So I slowed down a bit. I'm sure something will come along to jump-start things.

One Chapter a Day

Posted at

That's all you get.

I just posted another chapter of Community in the submission queue. It will show up sometime tomorrow.

I'm working on a chapter of Park This!. Yes, I've slowed down a bit. Dorable, my muse, has sort of hidden herself in the face of post-op pain. That pain level has been considerable, even compared with the pain that made me seek surgery in the first place.

She'll be back, though.

To the dozens and dozens of you who've written me about my surgery as well as those who've commented about the stories, thanks!


Posted at

Surgery went as expected. I am home, as lucid as I generally am, and the post-op pain is entirely different form the pain that made me endure this in the first place.

I wish to thank all of you who offered prayers and positive thoughts, although I though sacrificing a lamb on a stone altar under that sacred oak was a bit overboard.

I have a chapter of each of my two active stories in the posting queue. You should see one tomorrow and one on Saturday.

If you're the praying type

Posted at

I would appreciate prayers. I have back surgery tomorrow. shouldn't be a big deal, according to the neurosurgeon, but you never know.

As for SOL, I just sent a chapter of Park This! to the editor. I don't know how lucid I will be fore the next few days, but I hope to be capable of posting it when I get it back.

On a similar note, let me do a subdued "Woo-hoo!" since both my active stories are in the Top Ten today. That's due to you guys (and ladies) who see fit to follow my twisted mind's ramblings.

Thanks again!

Don't push it! I may blush!

Posted at

Two active stories, Community and Park This! and you guys have pushed them to #4 and 5 on the top downloads list.

I've been writing my butt off since I can't do much else while I'm waiting on back surgery, but to see this response along with the dozens of comments you all have been sending me, well, I'm flattered as well as inspired.

I'm considering ending Park this! soon to start up another story. Community will go on and on for the foreseeable future since I'm in love with Cindy.

Hang in there with me. I appreciate you reading my stuff.



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