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oyster50: Blog


Fear Not!

Posted at

I just posted the epilogue, the close, to Community. It's time. Story was, with this, seventy-two chapters.

But, friends, don't panic! Check your towel.

What was going to be Chapter 72 of Community will post soon as Community Too with the same character mix, and I hope, the same readership. Expect new twists and a few new adventures along the way.

I have been remiss...

Posted at

I mean, it's MY heritage, Cajun music, so I was surprised when one of my readers, 'Ken', wrote to me and told me that he looked into Nikki's Cajun triangle since it became a minor point in Community.

Folks, it's not the same triangle that appears in high school percussion sections. Don't believe me? Google "Cajun Triangle" and see it in use in traditional Cajun music.

It may be revealing. Anyway, I like expanding peoples' horizons, so if you're of a mind...

Update for my friends

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I've gotten several emails asking if I'm okay.

I'm okay, where 'okay' is defined as 'no longer hurting from that back issue I endured. I'm back at work, with a few restrictions.

That said, Dorable, my muse, has been furtive of late. Rest assured, though, that I am writing, albeit slowly. I have some directions to go.

Hang on. Should be a chapter of Community out his week and the chapter of Park This! will follow quickly on its heels.

thank you for your forbearance.


Posted at

My sometimes delightful muse, Dorable, had flitted off for parts unknown. I couldn't put together ANYTHING on a story.

Today she seems to be back, at least giving me a teasing glimpse of things that might be.

To all my readers, patience, please. There are chapters coming forth.

Life returning to normal

Posted at

I can go back to my day job next week. That's good news for me. I don't have a job, I have a hobby with a paycheck attached.

I'm still working on the stories, hoping that Dorable, my little muse, will hang around and tickle my ears with ideas.

I just posted a chapter of Community and started a new chapter of Park This!. Let's see how it goes.



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