Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

oyster50: Blog


C'est tout!

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I just sent the last chapter of the last story to the editor. All three of my active stories - Community Four, Sunny, and Bill, Haley and Deena - will terminate by December 31.

I will pick up the story of Cindy and teh Community, and Haley and her bunch, starting new stories in January. Sunny's been fun, but like I've done with Mimi and Tommy, I'll fold them back into the universe.

Like many of you, I **STILL** want to see what happens next with Cindy and her friends.

And apropos of the date, Merry Christmas to all of you who've been hanging in for my writing. And Happy New Year.

It's been a month

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Life has intruded heavily into my writing time. Working full-time, it's the end of the year so I have projects that MUST be completed, yada yada, you know the drill.

I hope to step things up. Matter of fact, I have stepped things up.

The plans are to tie ribbons on Bill, Haley and Deena and Community Four-Ever by the end of the year so they'll be eligible for the 2019 voting.

I'm adding the summation of Sunny as well. That story was meant to be a side-excursion off the main story lines, and we're approaching its logical end.

And it's the holiday season, so Real Life also has me running back and forth at the whims of Her Sweetness, as well.

For all you fine people who've been folllowing the sagas, thanks. I hope your seasons, whatever their orientation, are happy.


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Got a good job, good friends, both at work, outside work, and many here. Might not meet you face to face, but your encouragement and kind words keep me writing.

Like you, I wanna see what happens next.

Thank you, God...

Posted at Updated:

Autumn makes a peek at South Louisiana - highs in the seventies, blue skies. Makes life quite pleasant.

Real life - because a lot of you have asked about my slow posting frequency - lot of work in Real Life. Some evenings writing just doesn't happen.

When it does, well, I like it too, folks. I had a driving need to see what happens too. I don't have this stuff laid out in an outline. It's pretty much pay as you go.

As always the direct comments as well as the interaction on the story comments section make me want to do even more.

Positive feedback. It's a good thing.

I'm okay... really okay

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Life intrudes. Since the last year or so, the business climate has changed in the energy sector.

Used to be able to call up a contractor and say 'This is when we want it done' and they'd jump through hoops because they needed the business.

Something changed. Several of my work paths have gotten really sticky as their business picks up. Makes it hard to do MY business. For instance, a job that I wanted done last summer is going to take place the first week of November because the contractor's been booked solid.

I can pu an ad in the paper and get a boatload of baristas and sheaf full of panty-stackers, but try to get a transformer specialist or a team of good electricians. It's tough.

Anyway, I'm trying to get a bit more time to write. Just like you folks, I wanna see what happens to Sunny and Carl, and how Jerry survived his honeymoon, and what they say when Haley shows up for the private pilot test flying a seventy year old Stearman.

Hang with me folks. It's all coming...



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