oyster50: Blog



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I get to see a doctor next week for rescheduling my back surgery. Fun.

In the meantime, I'm four chapters ahead of the game. I suspect my editor will send me one later tonight or early tomorrow for posting.

New side-story coming. Hope you like it when it comes out. Until then, patience is a virtue, they tell me. I never waited to find out.

Sad ongoing saga

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So the 'you had a silent heart attack' scare is dismissed after extensive examination by a cardiologist, so we can get on with the original issue - stenosis caused by a herniated disc.

Waiting list on the neurosurgeon (the alternative is to drive three hours to Houston) so appointment on July 2 and surgery on July 13, then 2 weeks recovery...

In the meantime, stuck at home, where pain precluded much physical activity past minor housework and then sitting in several experimentally derived positions that alleviate back pain.

Somewhere in there, Dorable whispers soothing things in my ear, and the stories go on.

As always, I deeply appreciate the feedback on the stories and now I add to that then thanks for all the kind thoughts, wishes and prayers.

(Who knows how real oysters feel, stuck in one spot all the time.)

Everything takes a week...

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Thank G_d I work for one of those huge, exploitive, environmentally rapacious corporations that happens to have excellent benefits.

I'm still waiting on surgery for a spinal stenosis, but in the middle of getting prepped for that, it was discovered that at some time in the past I had a heart attack.

So ditch the back surgery until I see a cardiologist. there went a week. Who wanted a calcium scan. Another week. And then he's on vacation. Another week.

I see him Monday, and either he clears me and surgery's right over the horizon, or her decides I need a bit of plumbing revamp, in which case the time schedule slips to HIS desires.

In the meantime, Dorable's been letting me write a bit, some days more than others.

For all of you who've taken time to send wishes for my health, thank you.

Machinery malfunction

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Back - still a problem - expect surgery to correct - Friday of next week.

Fun part - in the pre-surgery tests an EKG showed that I have had a heart attack. apparently I missed it. The chart didn't. Scratching that obstacle off the list so I can get the back fixed.

Pain pills for the back issue have a varied effect on my muse. Some days she's very cooperative, other days she says 'nahhhh..." But I AM writing. Not like I can go practice my gymnastics routine, after all.

Changing the sequence

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Posting a new chapter of Community Four ahead of Bill & Haley & Deena because the two story lines are pretty tightly intertwined right now and I think this helps the flow.

By the way, in case you're wondering why things seem to be coming out so regularly, it's because my back went out, I'm off on disability, and I have a lot of time on my hands. And opioids. Helps the pain. Dorable reacts well to them.



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