Clitorides finalists found. Time to Vote. Read as many of the finalists and cast your vote
We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

oyster50: Blog


Machinery malfunction

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Back - still a problem - expect surgery to correct - Friday of next week.

Fun part - in the pre-surgery tests an EKG showed that I have had a heart attack. apparently I missed it. The chart didn't. Scratching that obstacle off the list so I can get the back fixed.

Pain pills for the back issue have a varied effect on my muse. Some days she's very cooperative, other days she says 'nahhhh..." But I AM writing. Not like I can go practice my gymnastics routine, after all.

Changing the sequence

Posted at

Posting a new chapter of Community Four ahead of Bill & Haley & Deena because the two story lines are pretty tightly intertwined right now and I think this helps the flow.

By the way, in case you're wondering why things seem to be coming out so regularly, it's because my back went out, I'm off on disability, and I have a lot of time on my hands. And opioids. Helps the pain. Dorable reacts well to them.

Thank you so much

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Clitorides Awards are out. You guys liked my stories to the tune of:

1st place, Long Erotic Story of the Year 2017
3rd place, Epic Erotic Story of the Year 2017
2nd place, Best Romantic Story 2017
1st place, Best Gay/Lesbian/Gender Bending story 2017
2nd place, Best Erotic Fantasy Story 2017
1st place, Best Incest Story 2017

I write for the fun of it, I write because I wanted to see the stories I wanted to read, and I most of all write because you folks are encouraging and positive in your notes and emails.

Thank you thank you thank you.

And while you're voting for me, you're also voting for my particularly capable editor and my friend Ed who loves him some smart girls too. Ed's behind a lot of Community's wilder excursions.

One more time - thank you!

April blog

Posted at Updated:

Most of the way through April. Between my muse, Dorable, and you readers, one in particular, I've got a lot of fodder for the stories. That means that the chapters come pretty regularly.

I'm having fun. Yes, there's a certain vicarious life I enjoy through the lives of my characters. I hope you continue to enjoy them as well.

I'm STILL waiting for Dorable to cut loose that third story I usually have going. She's teasing. Says 'any day now' and I have NO idea...

Can there be a good story from human trafficking? Or a girl who's been disowned by her family because she divorced the guy THEY arranged for her to marry? Or 'Wanted: Technologically adept individual to assist in correcting IT problems in an independent business with limited resources.'


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"Where'd Sandy come from?"

Yep, I introduced Sandy into the stories. I assumed that my readers already met Sandy, but I've learned differently.

Sandy's the daughter of Dan Gleason in my story Nina, so if you're of the mind to see some of her backstory, haul yourself over to my story page and pull that one up.

And just so you know, putting Sandy into the 'Smart Girls' universe was a suggestion from multiple readers. Hope you enjoy her.




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