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oyster50: Blog


The latest

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To those of you patiently (more or less) waiting and wondering:

Four months into a relationship with Sweetie. This one, unlike the last, has time for me. I like that - going places, doing things. Life as a couple is a good life. Wanna know what she's like? The attitude and wit shows up in the person of Gee in Dorable.

However, the relationship has cut into my writing. I'm still at it. I just sent a chapter of Community - Moving On to the editor. Give him a few days and it'll post.

Sweetie is a teacher and school starts up in a couple of weeks. That'll leave me with time to myself, time I used to devote to writing, so the writing will return.

To all of you who asked - Hurricane(Hah!- barely Category One) Barry cost me a couple of days' effort because we found out we had a bad emergency generator at one station, and there were a few other issues, but nothing requiring hard effort. At home all we got was rain. A little community fifteen miles north of us got an official 23+ inches in 24 hours. We didn't even get full ditches.

Those of you asking about my health, I am pretty healthy for a 69 year old fat man. Most serious issue I have right now is cataracts and I'm seeing about surgery options this week.

As always, I thank every one of you for reading.


I'm back

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I know it's been a while since the last chapter posted.

Lot of water under the bridge since then.

New lady in my life. VERY good change. Suddenly I'm not spending endless evenings at home alone. Of course, the downside is that those 'home alone' evenings were where I did most of my writing. New lady knows of this writing, so we're okay with picking it back up again.

I would've posted yesterday but I was attending the memorial service for my younger brother who left us June 1. Just because something is expected doesn't make it easy when it happens.

Anyway, I just posted a chapter of Haley's Bunch and there's a chapter of Community on the burner.

And to the dozens of you who sent me wishes a good luck and who inquired about my absence, my sincere thanks. I appreciate it.

Not a hiatus, but...

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As I stated in my previous blog posting, major changes have taken place in my life, causing me to develop completely different ideas of free time, writing time, etc. Posting might be sporadic until I get a handle on things.

Basically - new sweetie. If she says 'jump!' I jump. It's called 'knowing on which side one's bread is buttered'.

Posting will take place. I enjoy my stories just as you wonderful folk do, and I want to see what happens next myself.

And to all of you who congratulated my on my placement in the Clitorides Awards, that's YOUR fault. I'm just a hack writer. You folks make me a winner. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Moving on-

Posted at Updated:

That's what a twenty-plus year relationship said last week.

Shocker, to say the least. Dorable and I are both recovering.

Aside from my personal life, Carlie reaches the end of the line. I do hope you've enjoyed it. For those who look for big dongs and bazongas and immediate sex, this story hasn't been that. Of course, you folks who read me often, you know that's seldom my style.

Another story? Possible. We'll see how long before it makes an appearance. You know the formula. Let's see if I can find the ingredients.

With a little help from my friends

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Actually, a LOT of help.

Friend and reader Harpoon had done us the service of wading through the stories of the Smart Girls and made up a character list with name and the story and chapter where that character first appeared, as well as a brief description of the character's function.

You can find it at

We've got a lot of stories in this universe, and I thank Harpoon for taking the time and effort to put this together.

I hope it helps your enjoyment of the stories.



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