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Almost exactly two months ago, I posted that Bob White's Covey had been sent to my editors and would probably begin posting by the weekend. Instead, my editors told me the story was 1) not complete - too much left out and 2) was really two stories and should be posted separately.
You can thank them for the additional ten chapters and the epilogue that I wrote. I decided to post both segments as one story. You can tell me what you think - please do.
The story is complete. I uploaded the first chapter, and will queue the rest to upload every other day until all twenty-two chapters and the epilogue are here.
Please give me your comments and do vote.
I had a question from one of the SOL authors who is only an occasional Swarm Cycle reader. "Who or What are the Cosca?" - referenced in the sourdough's recent post Make Me A Sergeant. (Which BTW is now also listed in the Swarm Cycle Universe.)
Below is my response, which is a reasonably accurate summary:
Three of the off-shoot Swarm stories were about the Mafia (Cosca) stealing the technology to build their own star ship and super computer. They establish their own colony and go out and battle with the Sa'arm. The Confederacy is afraid of the rogue humans loose in space, so giving the technology to the Cosca was a big no-no.
The Cosca stories also deal with the Roman Catholic Church's decisions on Polygamous marriages and priests marrying. Interesting take.
I enjoyed Quantum Mechanic's stories. They can be found at:
Make Me a Sergeant by sourdough was just posted. Funny as hell. If you are a Swarm fan, don't miss it.
I read Anne N. Mouse's blog about feedback loops. Then in the random stories, up pops one by Invid Fan, who died three years ago. Dyngus Day is the third in his Nowy Poland series. https://storiesonline.net/series/1060/the-saga-of-nowy-poland Under the latest SOL rating system, that was his most read (130,000 plus downloads per story) and his highest rated series. Dyngus Day was rated lower than the first two stories (the others all rated near eight or higher.)
Because he isn't around to draw your attention, many of you have no idea he existed and that he wrote very entertaining stories.
If you are looking for a good read, but not necessarily pure stroke, give him a try. I like most of his stories, especially his Bells series. https://storiesonline.net/series/985/bells-across-the-universe
Go try Invid Fan. You may find some series you like and don't have to wait for the next upload. I'd be very surprised if you don't like his stories.
On the home front, my editors told me that Bob White's Covey needs more fleshing <snicker> so I've added another several chapters and still writing... But I refuse to start posting until the story is done and edited.
So, I needed a break from proofing the last chapter of my new Swarm Cycle story, Bob White's Covey - soon to go to my editors. And I stumble on this underrated gem: Hero Who Shrunk For His Cause by dircat https://storiesonline.net/s/36568/hero-who-shrunk-for-his-cause
Unfortunately, it is in the premier members section only, but if you need a quick chuckle and can go there, you should enjoy it.
Please let me know if you do...
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