1: The Bells of Tanah by Invid Fan This is the lead story of one of my favorite series. Invid Fan died several years ago after contributing many popular stories on SOL and his own site. The whole series is on SOL at http://storiesonline.net/series/985/bells-across-the-universe and his home site http://storiesonline.net/series/985/bells-across-the-universe
I suggest that you explore his offerings - I'm sure you will not be disappointed.
4: Blue Topaz Eyes (1) by Todd_d172 Short, well written story with a twist. Read past the start, you'll be glad you did.
I've enjoyed all Todd's stories to date. http://storiesonline.net/a/todd-d172
5: If the Spirit Is Willing by Invid Fan Invid Fan was a popular and prolific Author on SOL. He died after a brief illness and is much missed. This is the first in a series of related short stories that can be found on SOL http://storiesonline.net/a/Invid_Fan and at his own site http://www.asstr.org/~Invid_Fan/series/from-the-aeither-comes-life/
7: A Meeting of the Minds by Sterling A truly unique story. A young girl suddenly finds herself reading the mind of a man 15 years older than she is.
8: Retribution by Thornfoote A fun, well imagined, well written story with a twist. Minimal sex. I helped edit/proofread this one while it was in the process of being written - and could hardly wait for the next chapter.