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lichtyd: Blog


TFD - Chapter Five is Finished

Posted at

I will be uploading it within the hour.

Five is over 13K words in length. It covers about a week of time, and a week with Aunt Deborah is too long.

My apologies for taking so long with it. Large sections have been rewritten. The ending alone required three rewrites. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Chapter six is coming along. At one point, it neared 10K words in length, and it still wasn't finished. It was too wordy and I cut it down to more of the essential elements.

Chapters seven, eight, and nine have all been started.

TFD Progress Update

Posted at

Chapter five is finished, and with my editor. After I get it back, it may take several days for me to get it ready to be published. I do not have an ETA.

Chapter six is well underway. My current revision is about 10K words long.

I apologize for the long wait between chapters four and five. Since chapter two, I've set goals for each chapter. My goals for five exceeded my skills, and it took more time to get it right.

Starting with chapter six, I begin wrapping up the different parts of the story. I think it will take less time to write chapters six through nine.

Currently, nine is the last chapter I have planned. There may be more, I've even had a few ideas for a sequel.

Feel free to send me an email if you have any questions or concerns.

TFD Progress update

Posted at

Work on chapter five continues. As does work on chapter six, and beyond. Chapter five gave me problems because I set goals higher than my skill level supported. I've worked on a few other projects to improve my skills. As a result, I've rewritten large sections of chapter five, and am much happier with it.

My apologies for taking so long. Rest assured that it is being worked on and is nearing the beta stage.

Thank you, and a TFD Progress Update

Posted at

Thank you for giving my story, TFD, a great score. Over 8,000 downloads in a week! It's amazing.

Chapters five, and six, are in progress. However, the prequel, Jonathan and Rachel, has been getting more time. I should have written all of this character background first. It would have improved TFD.

TFD: Chapter Four has been Uploaded.

Posted at

My apologies for the delay in posting chapter four. I wrote it in a hurry and made a lot of errors. I'm back to correcting errors as I write a scene. This seems to work better.

Chapters five and six are in work.

The prequel, Jonathan and Rachel, is about 6K words long.

The prequel idea started as my character notes, but it grew into its own thing. I like the younger Jonathan Schmidt and his new girlfriend Rachel Weigel.

Feel free to write with questions, thoughts, critiques, and corrections. Your input helps me a lot.

If you do write, and if you have a favorite scene, please tell me what it is.




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