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James Howlette: Blog


Blood Moon has reached 20,000 downloads

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When I first wrote Beneath the Blood Moon, I didn't think it would score as it has nor did I ever expect to reach 20,000 downloads. I know there is an inflation for the first chapter, and for some authors that many downloads is like a drop in the water. For me, it is an accomplishment that I am proud of.

I want to thank all those who have chosen to give my stories a chance. How have given their feedback and for some like Fuzzy Wuzzy and Robin Pentecost who have taken the time to help my work become more than it was.I hope that my future work will be worthy of the attention you all give them and I hope that we can grow together in the stories to come.

Half way there

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As The Waning Moon Sets - with the posting of chapter ten, we have made it to the halfway point, roughly. There are now only eleven chapters to go. I am happy to see the interest some people take in my characters and story. I hope that I am able to reward your interest with good story telling.

A New Moon Rises - writing is coming along well and it is my hope that there will not be too long of a wait between the end of Waning Moon and the posting of new moon. The first two chapters of the rewrite are the original post of chapter 1 split in half. Given that there was a 21 page story between it and blood moon l, with variations on where the character stood, it only seemed right. As such day one will post the first two chapters of the story

The next story I will be likely to post I will be my lit rpg. As I am the furthest along in respects to my other stories. That one will also be a multi book tale.

As always I will give my thanks to Robin Pentecost. His help has been remarkable and has only served to make my work more fluid and readable. Also as I am Canadian parts of that will slip in from time to time.

Have a great day and always remember to be inside when the Blood Moon Rises

Status Report

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Good evening all,

As of Friday I am roughly half way through writing A New Moon Rises. Chapter tally looks to possibly be between 26 to 30 chapters. Given that progress had been steady, I started posting chapters twice a week. Chapter 8 will post Tuesday and 9 on Saturday. This will continue for the remainder of posting meaning that Waning Moon will finish in rougly 6 weeks. It is my hope that all editing, reworking, refinement and retooling of new moon will be mostly completed by this time. Given that time frame, i am setting the first friday of August,the 2nd, as my posting deadline. It will be a reposting of the new chapter 1, as well as chapters 2 and 3 to wet your whistle.

Thank you all for reading my work and for your patience as both Book 2 and 3 have been nearly 7 years overdue.

Thank you to Robin Pentecost for his amazing work. His help and suggestions have made these works a hundred times better than I could have done on my own. I look forward to working with him on many other stories in the future.

The loss of an amazing author

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I was saddened to read that Xalir had passed away. I do not always get a chance to follow one blog updates as they happen, but none the less feel SOL will be lesser for it. Much like Raven Soule's disappearance it will leave us without their phenomenal writing. Though we were fortunate to have his series mostly completed, we don't get to see where his stories could have led.

My condolences to all who knew him personally and to his family at their loss.

May we always remember the writers who are jo longer with us,but who's stories continue to live on here.


Posted at Updated:

Hello all,

I am happy to say writing on new moon is going well and it looks to be the longest so far. I hope to have it done and ready to post when waning moon finishes but that will depend on the state of the story.

New moon will close the circle on the events that started blood moon. While I don't have plans to continue past new moon there is more then enough raw material to create new stories for Davik or even some of the other characters.

It is still a coin toss on which story will be posted next. Either my scifi space story, inspired by an old slutman story I was a fan of, or the lit rpg i have been writing, based on two favorite anime/manga. We will see.

Thank you all for the interest you show in my works and as always thanks to Robin Pentecost for his amazing work and support.



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