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James Howlette: Blog


Blood Moon reposted

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Hello all,

I habve decided to repost the revamped version of Blood moon. It is a little longer now hitting 16 chapters, and has become a bit more grounded. For now at least. I believe this flows better, and will help flow into book two "As the waning moon sets". Yes that means A new moon rises will be book three, and I will not have to change what I have written as it works for how I want book three to start. it will also make aspects make more sense.

I hope you enjoy and yes I am working on Book two as we speak. Once that is posted it will be added to the series and put in its proper place in the order. Once I get book two started I might begin to add the others I have begun to write. If so I will try to alternate posts so that they are updated regularly. I have been offered proof reading by a reader which I will plan to take up on for sure. I hope you like what I have planned to come and together we make some good stories even better ones.

Hello all

Posted at Updated:

Happy to say I am still around and kicking. Between life and other distractions I have not had as much time to write as I had liked. However that has changed. I currently have three stories on the go as well as a revamp of my blood moon stories.

At present beneath the blood moon will stay as it is on the site despite the rewrites I have made.

A new moon rises will have to sit for a time as it has now become the third story in the series. The next story will be titled "As the waning moon sets". I have a general plot outlined and will be fleshing out the details soon.

Would you like to play again: is a story I came up with that was influenced by two anime: is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon and konosuba. As with blood moon it wont be insane sex but when the situation demands. However this will have harm possibilities depending on how the story unfolds. As Harem stories are a favorite of mine

Stargazer: based on my more recent love of space stories. I took influence from a story that was posted years ago on here that has since disappeared without a trace. It is my current inspiration and what has drawn my focus.

The last is a some sex harem story I came up with five years ago but lost the files. It is based in the star wars universe at the tail end of the Yuzong-vong war with the new republic.

These stories may end up on STO should interest peak. Right now my writing time is fluctuating.

Last of all thank you all who still seem to like my first story. Its origins are kinda funny and it was a project that was completed rather quick. 15 chapters in 15 days. Posted in 30 days of starting. Writing is a passion I am returning to and I am glad there are those who enjoy that passion

I am still alive. Just been busy.

Posted at

Hello all.

I know it has been quite some time since I last posted. During that time I had just started a new job and was dealing with a toddler. However I was also suffering from writers block.

Now things have eased up. To reintroduce myself to my story I am going through the old edits. I have begun to change them around hoping that I could make it a bit more condusive. I have thought of a few ways now to continue the story. But this time around I am going to complete it and have it fully edited before posting. I want to give you guys my best attempt.

The fact that blood moon has had over 12,000 views is staggering. Even new moon has seen over 1,700 and that was a single chapter.

I ask for your patience. If anyone wants to help with proofing feel free to contact me.

As always, your humble servent James Howlette.

New posting coming

Posted at

Hello all.

I know that I have said I would post a chapter soon. However I have been suffering some writers block. I have been finding inspiration for a story or two that I plan to post. But as per my rule, no new story before the old one is finished.

I am still on the look for a proof reader as I seems a lot has been getting by me and fuzzywuzzy. I also have been giving thought to adjusting things in Blood Moon. Those changes will make the story better I hope, but will come after I finish with New Moon.

I thank you all for your patience, support and help. Even those who criticize my work allow me to see it in a new light and make me think of how to improve myself and my work. I look forward to giving you the chapters you have been craving. And becoming the author I hope to be.


Hello all

Posted at

I know I had said that chapter 2 was supposed to be posted by now, however some thing have come up in the last little while to keep me distracted. However I do plan on getting it finished, as well as combing thought the volunteer editors for someone to help me and fuzzy wuzzy with our editing of the story.

I will be posting more frequently then i have been recently, but not as much as i did with the first story. I am happy to say i have recently found a job and will be starting it very soon. As such my time will have to be for work and family, but i plan to have an hour or two set aside for writing.

I thank you all for your kind words, and support. I also thank your patience in my short absence.

Have a great one and remember, don't be outside when the blood moon rises.



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