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James Howlette: Blog


Plot poll

Posted at

Hello all,

I have come to a place in one of my new series that will change the dynamic between two characters.

I have decided that I will ask my readers to make a choice.

The options are blood relative or step siblings. The poll is on my patreon account and made public. The poll will be open until Monday 12 am.

Thank you all and thanks for reading my work.

A third of the way there

Posted at Updated:

Hello all,

I am happy to see the interest that is brewing with Blood Moon Book 3. We are currently a third through the book now, with another 24 chapters to go.

For those who wish to be a few chapters ahead of SOL, you can visit my patreon account listed at the end of the chapter and become a patron.

I am working on some patreon only content right now while my next sol story is going through its editing phase.

The first chapter to the patreon only stories will be accessible to all. With the rest being available to Patreon only members with each subsequent chapter after.

I of course will update my SOL blog as well as post updates on the status of those stories so keep a look out.

I would like to thank all of those taking the time to read and I am happy to see Book 3 is the highest scored story so far.

Have a good one and again thank you all

Patron Page and future stories - Updated

Posted at Updated:

Hello all, I am happy to announce my Patreon page is up and running. I will be adding the link to my page to the end note for blood moon book 3.

For now it has blood moon books 1 and 2 in full as downloads.

Book 3 is posted up to chapter 12 and will stay 3 chapters ahead of postings on here.

Two short stories have been posted on Patreon adding context to some of the characters in the blood moon stories as well as the next book in the series.

I have finished the first book of my LIT RPG, which is going through editing and will start posting on here after book 3 finishes. Of course it will be on Patreon as well. 3 chapters ahead of what is on here.

I am currently writing a Space based series that will be a patreon only series and depending on how fast I can write it, it could end up posting on patreon along side of the lit RPG.

As always, I want to thank everyone for their encouragement and support and I hope you enjoy the work that continues to flow because of that support.

I also want to thank Robin Pentecost, as always, for his help with my work.

New Milestone Reached

Posted at

Hello all,

Today I hit 100 followers, something i never expected, but am grateful for. I thank all of you who like my work enough to follow my stories and posts. Your interest is where I find my drive to write and help keep my passion burning for my craft. I look forward to our continued journey together.

I do find it also funny that one of my trackers as an author hit 666 lol.

Again thank you all.

Book two hits 15,000

Posted at

Hello all,

While I am aware there is some inflation of the first chapter, it is an awesome feeling to reach my viewing goal. I know my series is a bit more narrow in its draw, so I expected to receive roughly 500 views a chapter. I felt that I would be more than happy to reach the 15,000 mark and I am.

Thank you to all those who continue to give my work a shot, even if it does get dark at times, but that makes the lighter moments even more vibrant. I look forward to this writing journey I am embarking on and I thank you for helping me to make it.



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