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James Howlette: Blog


Book three ends and something new begins.

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Hello all.

Today was the end of book 3, marking the end of one journey and the beginning of another for Davik. I am hoping to start writing book 4 in the coming months, so look forward to that.

Today was also the beginning of my next series, with chapter one being posted on my Patreon page. Due to the upcoming Yule celebrations, it will be posted each sunday, until the 29th in which chapter one will appear here. I hope you enjoy the series as much as I enjoyed creating it.

I hope you all have fantastic holidays.

Final Stretch and Thanks

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Hello all,

I apologize for the delay this week in posting, I have not been feeling well and it has thrown a few things off for me. Next week posting will resume as normal.

We are in the final chapters, with only five more to go before we finish this book. Pateron of course will finish posting next week. Once posting completes here, I will begin to post my next story, but this will be done one a week as my current job will be taking up a bit more time. As with book 3, this new story will be three chapters ahead of Stories Online.

I would like to thank those who have shown via the comments, their thoughts on my story and characters. I have read them all and appreciate the praise, criticism and discussion my work has created. I would also like to thank themikescott for taking the time to post a review of book 2. It is the first time my work has been reviewed and appreciate both the score and his opinion of the work.

I would also like to thank those who have decided that my work is worth following whether on here or my patreon page. It means a lot and makes me want to ensure i am worthy of it.

A New Moon Rises surpasses Beneath the Blood Moon

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Hello all,

I was happy to see that the download total of book 3 has passed book 1. Both the interest and score, as well as the readers interest in my characters, has made me proud of the work I am doing.

I am slowed down somewhat in my writing due to my new job and family requirements, but I am confident that I will be able to come up with a way to get closer to my old writing speed.

I do want to thank those who have joined my patreon account, your support will allow me hopefully one day to concentrate on writing full time. Given that I tend to write multi book stories it means I have a lot of stories left to tell.

Again thank you all and have an amazing week

Half way there.

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Hello all,

Today's post marks the halfway point of A New moon Rises. So far this is my largest story, but that could change with future stories.

One personal note, I was laid off recently from my job, though I found a new one already. That said, my previous job allowed me freedom to write in a distraction free environment. This means that my writing progress is slowed a bit compared to before. It will not effect posting of this or my next story, but may mean gaps between a completed story and a new one.

For now this won't be an issue until December, but perhaps I will be able to balance things again and get back to my high paced writing speed.

Thank you all to those who are following my works on here as well as those who have decided to become patrons. Both are appreciated and maybe someday in the future I may gain enough support to do this full time.

Until then I will endeavor to keep writing and producing new stories and universes to enjoy.

Poll results

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Hello everyone,

The poll has now closed and though I had hoped to get input from my readers here the poll results are in.

It is decided that it will be step siblings. Thank you for everyone's input and I plan to use public polls like this on patreon when it comes to possible stories both for Patreon only and STO posts.

Have an awesome week everyone.



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