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James Howlette: Blog


Posting delay

Posted at

Hello all,

I promised to have chapters one and two of look 3 posted today and I shall. That being said, I went through a bit if an internet kerfuffle and by the time it was back up, I was at work. Alas I don't have the means to send it from here due to the fire walls, but I will do so as soon as I can.

Book 3 posting soon

Posted at

Hello all,

I hope that you are having a good weekend. Yesterday I sent the last chapters to be checked over by Robin. Except barring major issues I should start posting August 12th. That will consist of reposting chapter one as well as posting chapter two.

I went back to flesh out the first chapter of new moon when I started writing it and with the new changes that have occurred,due to book 2, it was 18 pages long. So it was split into two chapters.

Totals for book 3 are 36 chapters (nearly book 1 and book 2 combined) 412 pages and 201155 words. I look forward to posting it and sharing the book with you all. My next story will be my litRPG which will post once blood moon is done. I will be opening a patreon page along with it which will have art I have drawn for it and possibly blood moon as well.

One more to go...

Posted at

Hello all,

Friday will be the posting of the final chapter of waning moon. As you know As The Waning Moon Sets came about, due to writers block while writing A New Moon Rises. It felt like a step or two was missed and it turns out 21 chapters were.

Right now I am working on the climax(hehe) of my story which looks to possibly be 30 chapters or more. It is still on par with my plans to post in August. I hope that you all have enjoyed the ride and I would like to thank Robin Pentacost for his help as well as readers that pick up on things we have missed.

I have been asked if I plan to make a Patreon account, once I have a bit more stories ready I might. But for now those plans will be on hold. However it will not just be stories but artwork as well ,tied to the various stories that will be on there.

Again thank you all and I look forward to continuing this adventure together.

Final chapters

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Hello all,

I am happy to see the interest people have taken in my series. There are only 3 posts left until Waning Moon is completed. I am working on the final chapters of New Moon now and am still confident that posting will begin in August as planned. I don't post until the story is finished, that way my readers do not get stuck with inactive story due to writers block. That happened with New Moon when I started it 7 years ago and I swore it wouldn't happen again.

I am surprised at where the final book has gone, given that my original vision has morphed into something new, with a much different endgame then I had planned. While I am uncertain if New Moon is the end of Davik's story, it may not be the end of the world I have created.

Once New Moon starts posting I plan to hammer away at my LitRPG in the hope that it will be done by the time New Moon completes posting.

I haven't decided if I will open a Patreon account or not, but if I have enough stories collected and enough interest from fans i may just do that.

Thank you all for your interest, kind words and even help in noticing things missed by me and Robin. You all are why I keep writing and aim to be better with every story.

10,000 downloads for waning moon

Posted at

I am happy to see that everyone has enjoyed my story so far. I consider this a milestone in all my stories, so thank you for giving my work a chance.

Work on new moon is going well and I am hopeful to have it ready for posting in August, like I planned. I would like to once again thank, Robin Pentacost, for all his help. He has helped make my work better and can cause ideas to form, that were stumping me at times.

I hope you continue to enjoy the story, as there are only 5 posts left before waning moon ends.



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