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James Howlette: Blog


Happy to Announce Chapter 1 of Book 2

Posted at Updated:

Hey there all. I am happy to announce chapter 1 of book 2 has been posted. I will be posting a chapter a week, and hope that you enjoy it.

I would like to once again thank Robin Pentecost for his awesome work. He has helped me really flesh out my work. Apologies for any things we both missed

Countdown to next story

Posted at

Hello all,

I wanted to update everyone on my progress to give an idea of when to expect the next step in Davik's story.

As The Waning Moon Sets is coming along nicely and I am hoping to start posting in May. There are still a few chapters left to write and have my excellent editor Robin work his magic on. Once that is done I will post blood moon a final time with all of robins edits. Then chapter one of ATWMS will be posted followed by the rest on a weekly basis.

A New Moon Rises is now book three. However, there will be a gap in posting ad I am going to take some time to really flesh out how I want 3 to go. I want to make sure the main plots are concluded nicely. But you never know his story may continue

My next story will be my lit Rpg. However since I dont write short stories it may not be done by the time ATWMS concludes.

I am happy that people are enjoying my work. Your words have given me a drive that is really pushing my work forward and I hope you all enjoy the result

Making progress

Posted at

Hello all

Thanks to Robin I am making some good progress on the next story in the blood moon series. He also took the time to go over the first story which I hope to update one final time. This will be done the same day as chapter one of the new series is dropped. I plan to drop a chapter a week after.

I hope you like the new story as much as we have enjoyed making it.

I am still devoting some time to a story inspired by some of the space stories in have enjoyed on here. Though my main inspiration is pulled from a story that no longer is on SOL, close encounters of the 4th kind. It still is one of my favorite stories. I wish I had retained a copy of the completed story.

Have an amazing week all and remember, dont be outside when the blood moon rises.

Have an editor

Posted at

Hello all. I have acquired the services of an awesome proof reader/Editor who has done fantastic work on blood moon. There was still a level of polish needed on it that now has been applied.

I am working on the new book when I can as I have been I'll for a little while. Thank you all for your kind words and your input.

And also a very big thank you to Robin Penticost and his awesome work. I look forward to our future endeavours together.

I hope you all enjoyed the recent blood moon. I know I did

Book 2 of blood moon.

Posted at

Hope everyone is having a great weekend so far.

I am happy to see everyone taking a look at blood moon 2.0. I added to the story here and there. Adjusted things and when allow as said an done I wound up with an extra chapter and an extra 60 kb added to the story's size total.

I do hope everyone likes the changes that have been made. And I am happy to say I have started on book 2. I will wait until i have a couple of chapters completed before i start my process of editing. I am hoping to have the first two chapters posted by the end of the month.

I had a crazy turn. Around for blood moon as I was between jobs and only had one kid at the time lol. The spark is back and the block is gone. And I hope to bring you more of this series and possibly others.

I will thank FUZZYWUZZY for his help with version 1.0 of blood moon. he is the reason it was so well written the first time. Gave awesome feedback and helped me flesh things out. 2.0 was help from an friend who helped me see it differently and how I could flesh some scenes out more.

So enjoy blood moon. New moon rises is book 3 now so it will be sitting until book 2 is done. Not sure how big it will be, but I will do my best to make it a worthy successor to book 1.

Your Humble Servant James Howlette.



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