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ghostwritten: Blog


Weekend Update - Oct 6

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Hello readers,

It was a strong week for writing for me, getting a lot of different projects done.

First thing I want to talk about though is Sister's Servant, what's the temperature of all of you on this one? Views aren't improving and I'm not getting any feedback on it. It was supposed to be a 3-part story but I expanded it to open-ended. I'm just checking to see if you all are enjoying it or should I cut bait and wrap it up. I'll see how the next couple of weeks go (I have 2 more chapters done and then it will take break for evaluation, it will get a conclusion one way or the other).

Other things I worked on this week was my Halloween contest entry. I don't have a title for it yet, but it was an fun write. I'm not sure how posting for these contests work but I hope to submit it on Oct 16.

Last thing I finished, besides my usual narrative story work, was a new chapter of A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough. I wanted to make sure I got my October story out on the 'ghostwritten after dark' account. That should be posted midweek, around Oct 23. In it, Blake gets a little one-on-one time with Trixie.

As for the narrative story, it is progressing well. I am delaying it a week to Oct 26, mainly due to Sister's Servant. After that, it will be every Saturday till probably the end of the year. It was supposed to be a 7-chapter story, but there was room to expand to 10-chapters (most likely). I am always getting told I wrap things up too quickly, so I wanted to let this run a bit longer. Since you are reading this, I'll give you a hint as to the subject matter, the working title is 'Don't Stand So Close to Me'. If you get that reference, you'll get the premise. ;)

I'm looking forward to getting all of this stuff posted for you to enjoy, as well as something else that I've not talked about yet. Always something cooking over here, just hope it tastes good.

Thanks for reading (been seeing an uptick in views on the blog, so thank you!).

Weekend Update - Sept 30

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Hello readers,

This week saw the launch of Sister's Servant, a new story that is doing ok for a first chapter. This was supposed to be a simple 3-part story, finishing right before the new narrative story begins. Unfortunately (or fortunately, I guess), I'm in the process of writing chapter 4. I've been told I end stories too early, not letting things develop, so I'm going to keep going with this one for a bit. It's pretty early so far, but what do you all think about the story?

This week also saw the second part of A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough, on the ghostwritten after dark account. I had pretty positive feedback on it, so I'll try to get a couple more chapters out when I can. I've planned myself into a writing hole, with little room to maneuver, but I'll try to work around it.

Just one release this week, Sister's Servant part 2, on the weekend. I'll be writing chapter 6 of the narrative story and my Halloween entry this week. If I have time after that, some clean-up on unfinished projects. If I can get all that done (which is a tall order), I'll be doing pretty good.

Thank you everyone for reading, as always. I hope things are going well and you all have a good week.

Weekend Update - Sept 23

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Hello readers,

Quiet week this week. I did post one story on the main account in Search and Rescued and another on the 'ghostwritten after dark'account in A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough. Neither performed particularly well but they won't all catch fire.

This week, there will be the second chapter of A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough. This next part delves more into bondage and BDSM, which is why it isn't on the main account. This is the end of that story currently but let me know if you want more. It ends with lots of possibilities for further adventures.

On the weekend, we have a new story Sister's Servant, launching. It should be a three part story about a brother who loses a bet with his younger sister to be her slave for the day. It's a more lighthearted story so hopefully you all enjoy it.

I'm pretty confident the new narrative story will be ready to launch on October 19. I have more than half of it done and barring a disaster, it should make that deadline. That will also see the return of two stories each week on the main account. I'm excited to have that going again. It's fun to wait for the reactions to come in, scary sometimes, but fun. I do need to work on my Halloween story too, so many things to write and so little time.

Thanks for reading and coming on this crazy ride with me.

Weekend Update - Sept 15

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Hello readers,

I'm hoping to get some feedback on The Teen Runner (or The Runner). Views have been very weak and the review score dropped almost everyday since the first part came out. I'm looking to understand where I went wrong with this one to avoid it in the future.

At first I figured the name was too dull so I changed it to The Teen Runner, emphasizing Katelyn as the teen character. I also changed the teaser blurb but neither seemed to help. I'm just a little lost because I thought it was a strong story with good characters, editor thought so too. I'm willing to take the loss, but I'm hoping to learn something from it.

Next week, I've got two stories on the way. Midweek, on the ghostwritten after dark account, there's A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough. It's your standard cookie/scout story with a twist (and spankings/BDSM). It'll be a 2-chapter story but if people like it, there's lots of room to continue.

For the weekend, there's Search and Rescued. This started as an idea to continue Trail Head but I decided to have it be separate. I did keep the location the same though. What I will be doing is take both stories and put them in a 'series' format. They will be part of the 'Trail Tales' series. I have a few more hiking ideas floating around, and I think I've finally cracked a good conclusion to Trail Head, so I'll be working on those in the coming weeks.

Work on the new serial is still going strong, I'm hoping to have part 1 posted on either October 12th or 19th. It is a slow story (slower than The Creek) but I hope the build up will be worth it.

Thanks to everyone reading this and anything I've written. It's been fun sharing stories the past 3 months and I hope you've enjoyed it too.


Weekend Update - Sept 8

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Hello readers,

The first chapter of The Runner came out this weekend. It was a story I really enjoyed writing and it has scored pretty well this so far. It is a 2-part story that, if interest was high, I was thinking of writing a 3rd chapter.

Strangely, the views have been terrible. Lowest views for a released story so far. I'm curious if anyone out there reading knows why? I'm guessing, since those actually reading it seem to enjoy it, it has something to do with either the title or blurb. The title is plain and simple, but maybe I should add 'Teen' to the title?

The intro blurb seems fine to me, outside of a correction a reader pointed out on Saturday that I fixed. Again, any feedback would be appreciated.

On to the fun stuff. Writing this past week went well. I actually managed to get a few chapters in a couple of different stories completed. I'm hoping by mid-October, when my new long story starts, I'll also be back to double releases per week.

It has only been one week, and I miss having that posting on Wednesdays. It was fun checking to see how it was doing throughout the day. There is a good chance I'll have something posted on Wednesday 18th, but it will be on the 'ghostwritten after dark' account. I'll talk more about that story next weekend.

I wish I could do my surveys on here, but any stories you'd like me to continue? I have plenty more ideas in motion, but if people think there's life left in something, let me know. I'd love to do more of Ashley's Awakening, but spun off to Ashley's Education. I know people want more of The Creek, but some other people don't. It's a balancing act. But please let me know if I'm leaving ideas on the table with an older story (Canoe Trip is getting a follow-up, so don't worry).

Next up on Saturday is The Runner part 2. It is a longer conclusion, so be prepared. I don't know if I'll post a blog mid-week, I'll decide if I have anything to say, or I'll respond to feedback from this one.

Thanks as always readers,



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