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ghostwritten: Blog


Final Blog of 2024

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Hello readers,

As the title suggests, this is the final blog of 2024 so it will be a longer one. Let's get into it.

So I posted the final chapter of Teacher's Pet on Saturday and I would like to thank everyone who checked it out. There were quite a few more readers in the first 24 hours than usual; the Saturday itself had more readers than most full weeks for chapters. I hope I was able to recover from the poor first few chapters and wrapped it up in a satisfying way. Feel free to let me know your thoughts in the comments.

What a crazy six months posting here. I started in June, writing and posting my first story ever to anything like this. It was an adaptation of someone else's work (Ashley's Awakening) that was really just supposed to be a clean-up job on a real old single chapter story. A change here and a thought there with the original chapter turned into 4 more completely original chapters. Next thing you know, I'm writing new stories of my own design with the modest goal of one chapter per week from that mid June until the end of August. Things changed to two chapters per week, and readership grew from there. I've now continued with at least one thing posted each week from the original June till the end of December which is really crazy.

I'd like to thank everyone who's reached out and supported me at any point, either with messages, comments, scoring, or even just read something. It has been fun watching the response to new stories and chapters dropping each week. Some have not hit as well as others, but I'm still in disbelief that anyone would read anything I write at all. Getting to write The Creek, a story idea I had more than a decade ago, and the great response to it has been a highlight of my year. I also have to thank my fantastic editor, checkmark50, for all his hard work cleaning my gibberish up into something resembling coherent legibility.

I guess you might be wondering, what's next for 2025? Well, I have a few things planned. First off, January and February will be a bit lighter but I'll still have at least one chapter a week. I'll also be continuing my once a month A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough, on the alternate account. I will be moving to wrap that one up over the next few months though to make way for some new serials. I don't want to have too many active at one time. Sister's Servant will also start working towards a conclusion when it returns in late February or early March.

For January, you'll see the continuation of an older story, one that always seems to creep back up in the top 5 active stories in my portfolio but with the worst score on this account. When we last left Mark, he just learned that Sarah and her friend Sandy had been hired to work with Wendy in The Lifeguard. This return will continue on with his story for five more chapters with the possibility of more, if there's interest. We've also gone back and edited the older original chapters, thanks to my wonderful editor, so they should read better too.

Following that, in February, there will be a brand new story that will run for three weeks. I haven't fully decided on what that one is yet, either a hitchhiker story or a camping story. I've got stuff written and planned for both, it just comes down to which feels best and is fun. The big goal just to set the stage for the next narrative story that should hit in March. I'm fighting myself on a few ideas, all of which have merits, but seeing what might work best. I think I have three ideas to ponder but I won't go into those yet.

There is one story idea that I really hope to get to this year. If I can start it, it's likely to be the largest and longest story I'll have done. I know just from my basic idea planning that it is likely to be 20 chapters long, at minimum. I'll break them up into batches of five, with breaks for other things in between. It is a solid idea, somewhere between my longer narrative stories and my usual sex stories. It just needs time to cook first, but I'm hoping to start it in the spring. This was a glimpse into the madness of my future plans for this upcoming year. It doesn't even scratch the surface of the topics that I have written down so I've got plenty of story ideas. There might also be more returns to previous stories too, but we'll see how everything shakes out.

A sincere thank you for making my first year writing so positive. Things haven't always gone to plan and I've gotten frustrated at times, nearly quit at points, but community members have reached out and helped me through it. I look forward to this upcoming year and I hope you all stick around to see what I have in store. See you in 2025!

Respectfully yours,


Weekend Update - Dec 22

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Hello readers,

I'm a little late this week on the blog but I didn't want to interrupt a good writing flow last night. With how things have been the last month, it felt good get a solid number of pages written.

This past week saw a new chapter in A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough, on the 'ghostwritten after dark' account. First thing, I said I was going to move it over to my main account. I did try but for some reason it didn't seem to work, then I just gave up since it isn't that big of deal.

As for the chapter itself, it didn't seem to hit that well with readers. Now for a story like this, with no real sexual theme or serious plot, it isn't surprising that certain chapters don't land. Can't do much about it really, I just have to hope the next one will be received better.

That being said, I think I'll start wrapping this one up over the next few months. I don't really want to have too many unfinished serials running at the same time. I will also start planning the end of Sister's Servant as well. That will likely be another 6 to 8 chapters though, so not for a few more months.

As for Teacher's Pet, what did everyone think of chapter 9? I know it was kind of a bleak chapter but I hope I didn't lose too many of you. This upcoming week will mercifully be the finale. I hope the final chapter will be worth the time you all put in to reading this thing.

All of you who stuck through all ten chapters are the reason I'm still here. Many of you have reached out and offered support and guidance when it first came out and bombed. I can't thank you enough for everything and just for reading this, and all my other, stuff.

Due to the holidays, Teacher's Pet will be the only thing posted this week. I had hoped to have something for Christmas but it just didn't work out. I'll write a blog next weekend for the end of 2024 and what might be coming in 2025.

Once again, thank you to everyone who's ever read my gibberish. I hope you had fun, got off, or had a laugh. Talk to you one last time before 2025.

Weekend Update - Dec 15

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Hello readers,

This week saw the final chapter of Sister's Servant for a little while, how did everyone like this smaller run of 3 chapters? Readership has grown somewhat on this title over the this run, so I hope everyone returns for the next batch which will likely be at the end of February or early March. I think there is space for a second one after that if people are interested, I'm thinking the total story will be about 15 chapters once fully complete.

On the writing front, you've heard me moaning and whining the past month about not being able to getting anything down. This week, I finally got a chapter written for something which means there will be something in January. I was hoping to write a new story but what worked was returning to an old serial. I guess to go forward, I had to step back a bit. I won't say which story it is yet, but it is a title that readers have asked me to continue.

I will let you all know that January and February are likely to be slower months for me. Missing those weeks of writing has put me behind on ensuring multiple chapters per week, so I'll need some time to build back up again. I'll still have the monthly A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough though, so fans of that story should be happy.

Speaking of, a few things about A Girl's Guide. First of, I will be moving it over to the main account this week. I've been re-evaluating the second account and I've found it has actually limited me more than helped. I think I'd prefer to risk putting most of my work on the main account and just ensure the more 'risqué' works are tagged early. A Girl's Guide was always a borderline story anyway, being able to go on either account and I'd really like it to prosper with more exposure.

Second, a new chapter of A Girl's Guide will be dropping midweek. This chapter sees our three characters together, exploring and learning new things about one another. A little bit of a character chapter between the sex scenes to get to know more about Blake, Felicia, and Trixie. I hope you all enjoy.

For the weekend, of course, is Teacher's Pet. I hope everyone enjoyed(?) the eighth chapter. Chapter nine deals with the aftermath as rumors spread around the school. Consequences and repercussions reverberate through our lovers in this penultimate chapter. Thank you to everyone who continues to slog through this story, you are seriously amazing.

And thank you to all my readers who have checked out one of my stories at any point. I hope you had fun and maybe got off. Thanks for reading and being awesome.

Weekend Update - Dec 8

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Hello readers,

A few updates, first off, thanks to my wonderful editor, the first chapter of The Creek has been cleaned up and edited. I'll be submitting that sometime this week, and he's working on chapter 2 as well. Those were the only two chapters that pre-dated his help, so hopefully future readers will get a better experience when starting that little tale.

Second, writing for upcoming stories is still rough. I'm still hopeful to have something ready for January but I don't what yet. It might be a new story, it could be the continuation of a older story, but I hope there'll be something. I haven't missed posting something each week for 6 months and I don't want to ruin that streak. On to the coming soon.

This will be the last week for Sister's Servant, as we've reached the end of this batch of stories. It should return in the future, I just don't have a date yet. Downloads have increased nicely for this one and I hope people are enjoying it. This is the first story that I'm completely just going with the flow on, so hopefully it works.

On this week's chapter, Corey finally finds gets Addie's reward, but he has to blow off Tina first. Is this the right call, or will there be repercussions later?

On the weekend, of course, is Teacher's Pet. The couple try to keep themselves under control but their desires might get the best of them, have they rolled the dice one too many times?

Weekend Update - Dec 1

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Hello readers,

For all my American readers, happy Thanksgiving! I hope you all ate good food and did fun things. I am thankful for everyone who's welcomed me here on this site and have read my weird and pointless stories. I'd also like to thank everyone who's reached out to encourage and offer suggestions to help me improve over my time here.

Sister's Servant, the previous chapter was a shorter one with a some fun moments. This upcoming week, we have all three characters together for the first time. Tina has Corey and Addie over for a swim before she and Corey have their date. Things are moving forward between the couple, while Addie gets a little jealous of her friend.

I hope people are still enjoying this story, it's longer than most of the stuff that I write and I'm just sort of winging it as I go. It is still fun to work on though, so there's more to come in the future.

Then there's Teacher's Pet, still chugging along with it's small but loyal readership. Thank you everyone who's stuck around this far. I hope chapter 6 was worth the wait and not too excessive. I wanted it be like a pressure release, for the characters and for the readers, after all the events leading up to it.

On the weekend, Chapter 7 will release which follows Gordon and Kelsey as they navigate their new relationship. Halloween turns to Christmas, and the annual Christmas concert might lead to opportunities. We still have a ways to go yet in this tale, and I hope you follow along for the ride.

Future stories are still a little rough right now. I think I've settled on something that might work for January. It'll be a basic story, 3-parts on an obvious and overused story trope but I need something to rebuild my confidence. Hopefully from there, I can get back to work on multiple stories as I was doing. We shall see though, one step at a time, I guess.

Thanks for reading my stories and being supportive,



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