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Hello readers,
Kind of a slow week on the main account, with A Girl's Guide getting another chapter on the the 'after dark' account. If you haven't checked that story out yet, it is a lot of fun.
I am still having a difficult time writing anything right now. I haven't written a full page in 3 weeks now, which is crazy. I was writing almost 20 pages a week for months but now I can't focus on anything. The ideas are there, I just can't get them down on the page.
Luckily, I don't have to worry about running out of content till New Years, then... well, that will be a problem. I have some back-ups, if it comes to that, but I hope to have it sorted soon. I'm just not sure what the block is or how to fix it. Anyway, enough of the pity party.
This upcoming week, we have the return of Sister's Servant. Corey returns from his date and his sister Addie wants details, and a little action herself. This is a fun little story that I just keep writing. It hasn't been particularly popular but it has its fans. It will have 3 chapters in this run and then go back on hiatus.
And of course, the weekend will have Teacher's Pet. We just hit the midpoint of the story with chapter 5, as well as the beginning of Kelsey's senior year. Chapter 6 continues in the fall of that year, with Halloween bringing new tricks and treats to Kelsey and Gordon.
I want to thank everyone who continues to read Teacher's Pet. Just know that I appreciate the dedication of the few of you who turn up every week. I hope the twists and turns of the last 5 chapters were worth your time.
Thank you everyone who've read anything I've written, whether it was Search and Rescued or Peeping Tammy. I hope you had some fun and a little chuckle.
Hello readers,
Not a lot to update on writing-wise. Only was able to put down 1 paragraph this week, so pretty rough. Had some nice comments and feedback from The Girl at the Motel Pool, so thank you to everyone for that.
This week, for the midweek story we are going to cool off with chapter 4 of A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough. This is on the ghostwritten after dark account. Felicia and Blake try to chill together but are interrupted by an unwanted guest.
Question for those out there, should I move this story over to the main account? I wouldn't mind getting more eyeballs on it and I think that would help. Truthfully, I'm kind of second guessing the alternate account. I thought it would allow more freedom to write different things but I find obligations to the main account keep me from exploring that. I don't know, feel free to let me know.
Of course, on the weekend it is chapter 5 of Teacher's Pet. It is the beginning of senior year for Kelsey and things get off to a rocky start. Gordon is interrupted at home by an unexpected visitor.
This chapter will bring us to the midpoint of the story. As you can probably guess, this year is longer than the previous ones combined. I hope people enjoy.
That's pretty much it. Not a big blog, but they don't all have to be. As always, feel free to send me a message if you have a suggestion or idea. I'll try to respond when I can. Thanks for reading.
Hello readers,
I took a little bit of a break last week. I didn't write a blog or really write anything at all last week. In truth, I've been having a difficult time writing anything the past few weeks. The ideas are there but I can't get them out onto the page. I just sort of freeze up at my keyboard. Hell, the story I'm trying to write is completely bullet pointed out but it still isn't helping.
We'll see what happens. I'm thinking about taking it easy for the rest of this month. I'll try to write something, but I won't push it. Everything is pretty much wrapped up for this year anyway, so it's just getting stuff ready for 2025.
On to the positives. Great views on the final chapter of The Girl at the Motel Pool. Thank you everyone who checked that out. What a ride that story's been on. Guess it's a good thing I didn't delete it. I'd like to thank everyone who provided feedback and support on those original first two chapters. The final three are a result of your suggestions. So lots of love to all of you who reached out in the comments or messaged me.
To any new readers who came in with that story, welcome! There's a few stories to try. I'd suggest Sister's Servant, it isn't what you think, it isn't a slave story. Just a fun bro/sis story, and there's more on the way too.
Just to mention Teacher's Pet. Chapter 4 this weekend. Plus, there's a re-edit of chapter 1 posted already that adds a new intro and some character detail. Different suggestions from the community to help improve the experience. Give it a read if you haven't yet. If you have, and want a little more context, it is there.
As I said, I take all constructive feedback seriously. I might not implement them in the story you are mentioning, but they might show up in future stories.
Thank you everyone for the support.
Hello readers,
I've had some great feedback from a number of you this past week and I've already made a few adjustments to Teacher's Pet. I still haven't changed the name yet, I haven't come up with a good one yet that suits the story. I'll take any suggestions for that too.
Views and scores crept up a little with the Chapter 2, so I hope it's getting better? Maybe? Or I am just grasping at straws now. It is likely I won't write anything like this in the future. I'll leave these things to the professionals on this site. Back to my old friend smut!
Are there any topics you all would like me to write about? I have a BIG list of story ideas, and I try to have little themes or fetishes added to them, but are there ones that I'm missing. Just a question to the void out there.
This upcoming week, we have Chapter 4 of The Girl at the Motel Pool. Chelsea arrives at her new home and Jack starts to figure out his new lifestyle. We get a bit of backstory for both of them, so I hope you enjoy it.
Then Saturday, we have of course, chapter 3 of Teacher's Pet. An incident damages Kelsey's reputation and Gordon gets caught in the crossfire. With few allies, the two turn to each other. This chapter starts to kick things off and brings them closer together. Hopefully it doesn't suck.
Thanks to everyone who reads my stories and this blog. I know I'm not the happiest person right now but I do appreciate everyone looking at my works.
Thank you,
Hello readers,
Off the top, I'd like to thank everyone for the strong support for the return of The Girl at the Motel Pool. It was nice to see a story succeed again and the review scores have slowly been going up on it, which is also nice.
I took a lot of feedback from readers over the past few months since the first couple of chapters were posted. I tried to incorporate many of them into these three chapters that will be released. People wanted more detail on the characters, personalities, and just the world around them. I hope I can provide some of that in these next couple weeks.
Coming up this weekend, we have the second chapter of Teacher's Pet. I asked for feedback on this story too and a number of you have reached out to provide their thoughts. I want to thank everyone who messaged and gave me their opinions.
One of the main bits of feedback was the title sucks. It sets a tone of a teacher using a student, which this story is not. I'll try to have a new title up before the next chapter goes live. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.
The blurb outline also isn't very good, so I'll have to write a new one of those too. They are challenging to write when you don't want to spoil too much.
The last thing is the story might be too slow. Not a lot happens in the first chapter which is a year. The story does ramp up as time goes one. Chapter 2 is also a year, but after that it spreads out more. I wanted a more realistic, slowly building, relationship which probably makes for a boring read. I am sorry about that. I had some good suggestions to fix that in the future, so hopefully I don't turn you off from my stories in the future.
Anyway, thank you for reading this. If you have any constructive feedback or something you'd like to see from me, feel free to reach out. I try to respond when I can.
Thanks again,
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