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Hello readers,
First off, I'd like to thank whomever it was that nominated Peeping Tammy for the Clitorides Awards for Best Incest Story. That was such an unexpected thing to see when I clicked on the site link this week. It's strange to see my handle listed with the likes of Lubrican. As a first-time writer, who just decided to start on a whim, it is nice to see people enjoy my weird little story that I wrote as a thank you for the warm welcome I received here when I started in June. My main goal is to hopefully write something that people really enjoy, think about, and comeback to every now and then. I know I do that with some of my favorite stories, so I hope I can do that for someone else out there one day.
As for writing this past week, muted reactions to both A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough and The Lifeguard. I kind of wonder if they've worn out their welcome somewhat. I'm currently working on the next chapter of A Girl's Guide which should be out February 19th. There will either be one or two more chapters after that to finish things off. The Lifeguard is in a similar situation but I have completed the final chapter. It just needs to be reviewed and edited. For those interested, Sister's Servant, chapter 8 has also been written and should be out on February 26th. I hope I haven't taken too long for the readers of that serial.
This week, we are back to just one story chapter with The Lifeguard chapter 9. Can Wendy and Sandy bury the hatchet and get along or will Mark have to get on their asses to work it out? What did Sarah ask of Mark and will he or can he deliver on her request? I kind of combined two planned story chapters into one larger chapter with this one. I hope you don't mind too much. I want to pay off a few things I started (unfortunately not everything) before I wrap this one up. So enjoy this extended chapter of mischief and carnal delights.
That's it for this week. I'm hoping to write Sister's Servant chapters 9 and 10 this week. I fell behind last week but have managed to almost catch up. Thank you to everyone who's been reading, commenting, and scoring my writing. As always, it you have any suggestions, comments, or concerns, feel free to reach out. Constructive criticism is always welcome.
Hello readers,
Shorter Blog this week as I attempt to finish off writing the final chapter of The Lifeguard. Weekends used to be my BIG writing days, but lately I've struggled with them. Chapter 9 took much longer than I expected and it ballooned a bit as well, so that has left less days to complete chapter 10. I'll be posting them in a few weeks, so I hope they'll bring a fun conclusion to the story.
Future story idea - I usually don't talk about story ideas until I've already written it out but I thought I might run it past some of you. Elsewhere, on another site, someone wrote a story called 'Frozen Prom'. I thought that was a neat idea, horny teens stuck in a school via a snowstorm or something, but it was actually a time-stop story. So, taking what I originally thought was the idea, what do you think? It might not be prom or a dance, I'm thinking smaller like a club or something (10-20 people). Each chapter would focus on a different pair or group of people as they wander off around the school (ex: gym, library, etc.) Would there be any interest in something like that? Just throwing it out there into the void. Feel free to let me know, as always, my comments are open.
This week, first off we have the return of A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough, chapter 6 on Wednesday. Trixie is stuck in a scout meeting and can't wait to get together with Blake again. Meanwhile, Blake and Felicia try something new with mixed results. I think this story has a couple of chapter left, maybe 2 or 3 before it is complete. This chapter starts the process of getting to the end. It has been fun, but I have new things I'd like to try. I also don't want this story to get too stale if it goes on too long. Hopefully, you'll enjoy the ride.
On the weekend, of course it is chapter 8 of The Lifeguard. We have a Sarah and Sandy pairing as the two friends get reacquainted in an intimate way. Sandy learns more about satisfying men, meanwhile Sarah becomes increasingly sex-obsessed.
Well, that's the current plan for this week and maybe something in the future too. Let me know what you think about it.
Thanks for reading,
Hello readers,
New week, new Blog. Let's get into it.
The Lifeguard - Recently posted chapter 6 of this serial. I've been trying to expand the scope of this story with some new characters. That was where this chapter came in, introducing some of the other people at the recreation facility. The plan was to create new relationships and 'problems' for Mark, Wendy, etc. Unfortunately, as I stated in a previous blog, the response to the return of this story hasn't been the best. I think it might just be most of you prefer my newer style of writing (less sex/more characterization). The Lifeguard (and others like Ashley's Awakening) were high sex stories with varying degrees of character work.
I've decided to wrap up this story with two more chapters that I'm working on right now (these will be chapters 9-10). I could have just done one to finish it, but leaving it with nine chapters seemed weird, so why not one extra. It'll give me an excuse to do a few things I was setting up before the finale. I'm a little disappointed in having to close it up this way, but it will free up bandwidth to write something new that hopefully more of you will enjoy. I think I'll still write these types of stories here and there, but topics and fetishes like water sports (when I use them) will live on the 'ghostwritten after dark' account from now on.
Speaking of, I just finished the next chapter in A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough which my editor is currently fixing up. It should be out at the end of January, around the 29th. It is a fun little chapter as I slowly move to bring that serial to a close as well. I will talk more about it closer to release, but it will start the move towards the end. I hope you all enjoy it when it comes out.
The Next Story - The Lifeguard's new chapters has caused my next serial to be delayed by two weeks unfortunately. It is done and written but my editor hasn't had a chance to get at the chapters yet. It will be four chapters long and tells a complete story; no room for additional chapters after the fact. I wanted something that had a clean, cut and dry ending that I hope is satisfying to all of you. I'm still figuring out the name, but I will say it is a hitchhiker story (I know, not very original).
Sister's Servant - The delay due to The Lifeguard will not impact the return of Sister's Servant. It has delayed me starting them but I have a firm return date in mind, February 26th, which I think is still quite possible. I will update you all on here if that changes of course. I am looking forward to getting back into those characters and I hope you are excited to read it.
Next Week - We have The Lifeguard chapter 7. We have the pairing of Wendy and Sandy. Things aren't perfect in paradise for Mark as he has to navigate tensions between Wendy, his primary girl, and Sandy, the lesbian who's trying the other side.
Well, that's it for this week. As always, feel free to leave comments or reach out to me if you have any questions or thoughts.
Thanks for reading!
Hello readers,
Another weekend, another blog post.
Chapter 5 of The Lifeguard just went live on Saturday and the views have been lower than I was hoping for. Not really a big deal, to be honest, as the story does have some limiting tags that people tend to skip. How are people feeling about it? I am attempting to add character to some early and thin characters I wrote early on, so it might be disjointed currently. I was still hoping for views to be a little stronger though which makes long-term viability questionable. I'll make a decision on if I will continue it after the prewritten batch (which will bring the chapter total to 8) is complete. I planned for more but I also have a plan to wrap it up quickly if needed. As always, I would appreciate your thoughts on what you'd like to see from me.
Onto the future, the next story I'm currently working on has been going quite well. Planned as a three-parter, it has grown to four chapters and is a little more character driven than originally conceived. It was supposed to be a basic hitchhiker story, and it still is, but I figured why not try to improve my character work. I haven't committed to a title yet, so I won't share that yet, but it will be ready when The Lifeguard ends (in whatever way that is). Once I'm finished with this new story, the next thing on the docket are new chapters of Sister's Servant (also the monthly A Girl's Guide to Cookie Dough too). Sister's Servant is likely to arrive on the first Wednesday of March, if things go to plan.
Lastly, looking forward, I'm still mulling the next narrative story idea. I had a bit of a breakthrough on that front, possibly combining multiple ideas into one large story series. It would start as a coming of age story and then morph into something else, following the characters through their lives. Then another idea crashed into that one and suddenly I'm looking at 40 to 50 chapters and I'm terrified. I don't know if I have the abilities for something like that, but man is it intriguing. I've got time to see if there's a way to make it viable. I like mixing things up and writing the same characters for that long is scary. I don't know, I'm just throwing it out there to the void of this blog. Maybe I wimp out and take the easy road or maybe I try to hedge a bit. We'll see when I get to that point.
Next week is again, The Lifeguard. We have the pairing of Wendy and Sarah on their first shift together as employees. Will Wendy make sure Sarah gets her late punishment in the end? We also meet some of the other lifeguards working at the recreation center.
That's the end of another ghostwritten blog update. I just broke 3000 reads of this thing tonight, so thank you to anyone who clicks that button to see my madness. It is weird that anyone would even read my stories, let alone this rambly blog. If you have any ideas or suggestions, feel free to reach out. Thanks for reading and everything you all do.
Hello readers,
Happy New Year to everyone. I'm sure we're all tired of all the holidays crap, so let's get into it.
So the first new chapter in The Lifeguard came out earlier, and it's doing ok. Not great but also not horrible. It was never a massive success to begin with but has been fun returning to that world. My hope is the views improve but it isn't the end of the world if they don't. I recognize that this story deals with some more fringe or unpleasant activities (also Mark is an ass, as my editor likes to say). I do hope the review score improves over time but that might not happen either. Truthfully, I was just happy to get back to writing anything and this was the first thing that worked.
As I've stated previously, there will be 5 chapters in this batch for this story. What happens after that depends on how things go. I could continue with another 4 or 5 chapters if demand is there, if not, I have a backup plan to fully conclude this story. That's one of my main goals this year is scalable stories. Stories that could just stand alone in their main release batch, but could be expanded if it hits my weird little metrics of success. I also don't want to panic as much this year if a story flops, I think people got kind of sick of that last year.
Coming up on the next weekend, we have chapter 5 of The Lifeguard. In this chapter, Wendy decides she needs to get the truth from Mark about their relationship. She's not too happy about the new edition and needs to know where things stand. Will Mark tell the truth or will he weasel his way out of it.
One thing I'd like to go back to are niche stories. Stories that might not be popular with most people but challenge me a bit and mix things up. Winter's Bite was one such story and I still want to get to the sequel, which has been sitting half finished for months now. Stories like that are more for me than anyone else, to keep writing fresh and fun. I need to embrace that every so often. Something weird and quirky that makes me laugh or is just super outside of my usual material. Maybe I'll finish that WW2 military story or finally write that bizarre fantasy story that's in my head. WAIT! Don't run away yet. I'll still write my normal stuff too. Lots of fun stuff (and maybe a serious one too?) are on the horizon.
As always, thank you for reading and following along on my journey here. I'm trying to catch up after a Teacher's Pet induced break. With the holidays done and a return to my regular schedule, I'm hoping to get the ball rolling on more stuff. Comments and emails are always welcome.
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