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ghostwritten: Blog


Weekend - August 18

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Hello readers,

I want to thank everyone for a strong week in terms of reads. Both Peeping Tammy and The Creek had high views since their respective chapters came out.

As for Peeping Tammy, I hope everyone enjoyed the final two chapters of the serial. If I had one regret, which a friendly reader pointed out, was that I didn't focus enough on the trio (specifically Katie). I agree with that assessment but I hope the rest of it was fun, with a few twists and turns along the way.

The Creek part 3 seemed to have a strong reader response. Much higher review scores and solid reads, I'd like to thank everyone who's stuck with it so far. My editor did a great job cleaning up my mistakes and making in legible to read. When he can, he'll be looking to go back to the previous chapters to clean them up too.

This upcoming week, we have Motel Pool and The Creek part 4. I'm hoping to have a better name than Motel Pool when it launches midweek, but that's what it is currently. It's a 2-part story about a business man who meets a teen girl who lives at a dive motel outside of town.
The Creek part 4, the clock is about to tick down on Jason's time at the farm. What do you do at the end of a relationship?

Last thing, I'm a little behind on my next serial story. I was hoping to launch it the week after the final The Creek but it doesn't look like I'll get there. I'll have something that week (or two) but the next big story will be mid September it looks like.

Thank you for reading, commenting, rating, and all the nice messages. I value feedback to make me a better writer for all of you. So thank you.

Midweek Update - August 15th

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Hello readers,

Well, let's just get it over with. I'm still here and still writing. I want to thank everyone who reached out with positive messages after the last blog update. I won't go into why I wrote it, mainly cause it's pretty obvious what happened. Anyway, I'm going to take people's advice and keep plugging away at it.

One change I will mention though, after August I will be dropping to a single story a week. I might bump it back up later, but right now I could use the break. Would you prefer midweek stories or weekend drops?

On to more positive things. Yesterday, I posted the final Peeping Tammy I had planned. How did people enjoy it? I hope it mixed things up a bit. This weekend will be The Creek part 3, which will be the middle chapter of that story.

If you want something different, I posted a new story on the second account, ghostwritten after dark, which is a winter survival story called Winter's Bite: The Hunted. Winter's Bite will be a series (proper site term series), that take place on a fictional Canadian island. It is fan-fiction, but don't worry, you don't need to know anything about it (which is why I don't say what it's from). Give it a try if you want something different.

As always, thanks for reading and for the support. It really does mean a lot.

PS: I did find someone to help me edit. A community member reached out and the latest Peeping Tammy was his first work.

Weekend - August 11th

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Hello readers,

First off, I want to apologize for my stories being bad. I tried to write fun sex stories but I guess I'm bad at that. I am new to writing and thought I was just having some fun but I was wrong.

I'll finish posting what I had planned through August, which was the original goal, then I don't know. I may finish the stuff I had in the pipeline, I may not. Maybe I get the motivation to keep going, or maybe I just post the odd random thing.

Peeping Tammy 5 and The Creek 3 will be up during the week at the usual time and days. Sorry.


Midweek Update - August 8th

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Hello readers,

This week saw the return of Peeping Tammy, how are people finding it so far? I hope people are enjoying it but you never know.

This weekend will be The Creek Part 2, which I'm so happy has done as well as it has. I've had some nice comments and messages from readers which really helps. I was worried about writing something with very little sex in it. I hope everyone enjoys what's to come.

In my last update, I mentioned getting an editor. Well, I'm not having much luck securing one at this time. Actually, none of the one's I've messaged replied to me... which seems bad. I don't know if I'm too small fry or just not worthy to respond to. I'll keep reaching out to others, I want to give all of you the best story content I can produce.

That's it for now, not much else to update.
Thank you as always for your support or just reading.

Big Update - Feedback Response

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Hello readers,

This will be a big one, so I'll jump right into it... with numbered bullet points.
1. Feedback: I asked for feedback about The Lifeguard in the last blog and also in an end of story message. I want to thank everyone who reached out to give their views on that story and many other things. I'm really liking SOL because people are more engaged with the site. The next few point are a result of the feedback generated.

2. Content: One of the big sticking points was people didn't like the rough nature of The Lifeguard and After the Medals. Some people felt it wasn't to their taste and didn't like seeing it. Going forward, any content that I write that is of more taboo subjects will go to a second account, ghostwritten after dark. After the Medals is already there and soon, The Lifeguard will join it. That account won't see as many updates as my main, but I hope to have at least 1 story posted a month.

3. Errors/Typos: I'm seeing a lot more feedback of problems with technical issues with my writing. I've tried fixing it myself but I just don't have the time to do multiple passes on each story. I've decided to reach out to find an Editor to help clean things up for you. While I write for fun, I want you all to have a good reading experience.

4. Next Week: Back to the fun stuff. Wednesday we have *redacted* on tap. So please look out for that. Then on Saturday, it's The Creek chapter 2. I'm so thankful for the positive reaction to that story. It's one I've had in my head for 20 years, I hope you all enjoy it to, since it's something very different.

I'll leave it here since this was already long. If you made it to the end, you have my respect. Thank you all for your support and feedback, please keep it coming.



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