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We're having an April Fool's writing contest. You should start writing.

Feral Lady: Blog


Thank for reaching 1,000,000 downloads

Posted at Updated:

I would never have imagined it possible. Thank you for all your supportive emails. I found my muse again and I have two very short stories in editing, you will see them soon. I am experimenting with more focused storytelling at the moment but that doesn't mean I am short of ideas and note pads full of longer stories. An author has to follow what is filling his/ her head when he/ she is typing away.

Again a big thank you to my editors. All errors are mine and you are welcome to point them out to make the tale better for others in our community.

Castaway: Von Solon series updated

Posted at

Thanks for the continued encouragement for my writing. The Medium Erotic Story of the Year 2019 for Promise Keeper was unexpected. I have added a short story to Von's saga for your enjoyment. This pandemic has changed so many things in our lives this year, for me it's giving me time to write and distance myself from the normal time pressures of the world. Stay safe.

Hard drive crashed

Posted at

Sorry for delay on further stories besides life issues. My computer crashed and I lost my drafts. I only backup completed and edited work. So I have to rewrite from outlines and rough notes.

Castaway (Delay)

Posted at

If only I could just write all the time, sadly life has diverted my energy: The normal struggles with work, dealing with the management changes above me and their new priorities; sickly parents and my own rounds of flu and other sickness. All these things have tempered my muse, energy and interest in pushing forward with Von struggles at this time.

So, I ask you to forgive me for leaving Promise Keeper hanging for now. Writing is a joy but it needs focus and passion to do it right, and you deserve the best I have.

Castaway: Promise Keeper

Posted at

The latest story in Von Solon's universe is completed. It is going through the edit cycle and will be released this month. The plot will place our hero back in Juniper Hills where he deals with forming his wilderness kingdom and keeping a particular promise.

The story will run over a six week period, as I release each chapter.



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