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Castaway FAQ (2)

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A read sent me a mail and I am answering it in part. My plan remains to post new chapters once a week. Of course, we must remember editors are volunteers and have a life.

Here are common elements in e-mails I receive.

"I hope you can create a fuller FAQ, and as a start maybe I can ask a few that so far have troubled me, Not
greatly but I'm sure you can clear them up for me."

1. The implant, and the use of the
Nano-robotics/Medical Nanomites. (Love them); It
seems these are capable of replicating other
Medical Nanomites within the host body and
transfer back and forth to others. And doing many
useful things. Why have you not had them
make/create implants in the children, or the
women, or possibly work on the upgrades to the
implant its self as the AI has logged as potential

Spoiler Alert: Outside of a medical complex implants can't be added to adults and the imperials have ethically issues with putting relatively new tech into children. At present, only command track, military personnel or clan heirs are authorized the installation of implants. Also, imperial heir implants contain clan security features and accessories not discussed in this book. Our Webster A.I. feels improvements to "his" children are valid "upgrades" and superior genetics or implants are for the best. Since our A.I. is a top of the line prototype model, with clan security protocols and an imperial design database, his relative brilliance is opens surprising opportunities. The story does hint at Von's improved Nanomites, which are superior, providing me broad latitude.

2. The AI seems to be becoming more self-aware I
see this a potential long term problem as it sees
its self as a co-father figure and Von more as a
sperm donor in that it sees its self as creating
its own legacy.

Its own pride may become an issue, as it feels the
need to improve on the DNA of Von, the children, and
other enhancements to the human form.

The A.I. self-awareness plot line offers me more narrative license and uncertainty of potential twists in the story: (1) there is the potential tension between the main character and the A.I., (2) allows for undesirable adjustments that cause Von issues, (3) provides a platform for the emotional development of a new sentient being and the actions of a "teenager," (4) contributes to the closing of this book and fate of Von (5) and opens the gateway for future story(s).

3. Some of the industries you have not gotten around to is cloth,
weaving, and textiles. You have given some Medical
aid, but it seems there could be more. I envision
the use of Brass for the use of the first large
cannons for home and ship defenses.

I have researched, outlined and determined how all the above fit into the world's development. What I concluded was these directly pursuing factors would over extend the length of the story. I am concerned I pushed the readers too far already. These elements allow me to contribute to side stories or push the world further in a follow up book.

The Caldavian, Convey, and the Amarian mainland are at the scholar/tutor phase of education for nobility, open to both female and males with no gender limitations. Von's moon mother language class in the temple is the start of schools. The secret temple school teaching will become a template for broader education but not seen directly in this book.

Castaway: Von's Bed Expands

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I have just submitted chapter 32 to the moderators. I don't think it will be a surprise whom joins his bed.

Erik Thread has returned to more chapters which are polished well. I completed my review of his chapter 7 edits and posted them. I am working on his edits for chapter 8. I can not tell you how helpful he is to not only show me improvements to but makes side comments explaining some grammar rules which seem are more complex.

Honestly English is an art form. For example:

Well armed, in front of the noun would often be hyphenated; after the verb, it is usually not.

Enough of that talk. Thanks Erik.

I have edits back for chapter 32,33,34,35 from Mr. Wolf. He is so prompt I have trouble staying ahead of him. I am currently writing chapter 36 which is an encounter you haven't seen the likes of yet within my story (not sexual). I will munch on Mr. Wolfs other chapter edits this weekend. Ron gets his shot at improving my sentence flow soon too. Thanks Ron.

Castaway Questions Answered

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First thank you for all the encouraging e-mails. Also, thank you for your assistance regarding the occasional word usage error or grammar issue you find in the story.

I am receiving a number of reoccurring questions I thought I'd answer. (1) Why doesn't the A.I. send down supplies? I intend for the A.I. to interact with the planet later in the story. You don't know hard is for me not to feed items to Von from space. My over arching intent is to make Von a heroic character that does it on his own.

(2) What is his sword fighting background? In my mind he has reasonable sword skills from his off-world noble background. With his memory issues he is going on muscle memory and text book knowledge from the implant. I am trying to avoid making him superior at everything.

(3) Why not add A.I. implant contact during the day? This is one of the biggest struggles I have with myself in the story. My original draft had Von's memory opening up his ability to interface with the A.I. when the rail guns came into play-- a bit past chapter 7. I am sure you will pick up the opportunity I had when you read that anti-climatic scene. In the end, I decided to use his lack of memory and lack of real time interface with the ship as a stress point for Von. Questioning his life, his purpose, etc..

A huge thank you to Erik Thread for his yeoman work on cleaning up chapter six with extensive polishing edits. I have just submitted that chapter for a repost.

At present, Mr Wolf has three or four chapters for review and he does a great job turning my raw proofed work into readable text. I publish chapters after his edits so the story gets out timely. Ron has started to follow behind new chapters and he adds a new layer of edits and corrections, which leads to cleaner reposted chapters.

The whole process is much larger than I'd anticipated or understood.

Three chapters Back for posting

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Mr Wolf has done his fine work and Chapter 25,26, 27 are ready to go. I am having trouble with the posting wizard on the site this morning.

I will attempt to post one later today.

Three chapters sent to Mr. Wolf

Posted at

Thanks again to Mr. Wolf for cleaning up after my numerous mistakes. I sent Mr. Wolf a number of files to review and he gives us wonderful turn around times.

I just submitted Chapter 1 for a repost. Erik Thread took a look it and added lots of charm and improved grammar elements. His edits are amazing and I keep his hints close at hand when I review my drafts.

When real life isn't knocking at my door I spend the week day nights writing future chapters. I call them drafts which my proof reader gets her hands on to find the obvious errors. I also review reader comments for usage errors that me mind just didn't "see".

Weekends I alternate reviewing hard core edits like Erik's or refining the upcoming drafts for release. When I review the work for the third or fourth time I tend to "see" better word choices. If I feel I am on a roll with story development then I drop everything and just write it.

Friday and Saturday I was cooking off a thread that really pleased me.

All your feedback is so appreciated and fuels the fires like Von's crazy itch.



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