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Feral Lady: Blog


Von's Castaway: the future

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Thank you for the abundance of encouraging e-mails about my first story. I really enjoy the storytelling side of writing, and the reader feedback.

The common question is about a follow up story. I do plan on writing a book 2 about Von and his ladies. However, it is not my immediate project. I have started to outline a separate story in the "Von" universe with a different set of characters. I need a change of pace but it interests me to fill out the broader universe of Von's Haven.

I appreciate all the reader error finding that enables me to improve the story for future readers. My editors made the story smoother than it would of been and I am grateful for their hours of work.

Castaway- the end is coming

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I am currently writing chapter 61, where Von is back in Juniper Hills. Mr Wolf and Ron continue to timely edit my tale in very prompt fashions. Chapter 58 is back in my hands and I will release it either tomorrow or Friday after I review the edits.

Yes, the story is winding down as I continue to bring things together for book one.

Thanks again to Erik for patiently following behind me and cleaning up numerous commas issues, word usage errors, tense problems. You get the idea, Erik helps to clean my mess up. I just reposted chapter 17, which looks so much better after Erik completed his magic.


Posted at

Thanks for all the encouraging e-mails and error finding. Today I am submitting chapter 16 a rewrite that fixes a few word usage errors and many word tense problems. Thank you Erik Thread for making the chapter sound so much smoother. This type of editing is time intensive and I am honored at Erik's effort.

Mr. Wolf, a key editor, is working through chapter 52. Please do not be surprised if there is a delay on the release of the next chapter. Mr. Wolf has suffered a loose in his family. My thoughts are with him.

I am finishing the draft of chapter 54-55 today, now the chapter 16 rewrite is done.

Castaway Update

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I rushed chapter 46 and 47 out, to keep current on the weekly series update, before going on vacation. The original version looked rushed and had lots of errors. Sorry about that. A more refined set of edits has arrived and those chapters are able.

With various editors out on vacation or sick, the process slowed down and we are just now getting into gear again. Chapter 48 will be released today but its short. I have drafted a number of longer chapters with the raising conflict on Convey. I am working on chapter 52- 53 presently.

Up until my vacation, I was able to keep three or four chapters ahead of the release schedule. This allows for minor corrects to tune the plot and help with foreshadowing. I intend to continue the practice of holding tight to some of the advanced chapters.

As my volunteer editors finish their reviews you will see the new chapters. I believe we will be able to keep the once a week schedule (perhaps more frequently).

Castaway: FAQ about the A.I.

Posted at

Common reader question: Tell me about the A.I. and the security protocols.

In my mind, the implants are super-expensive, difficult to insert, with few medical facilities authorized to work with them. To protect the user there are different levels of internal security: manufacturer level needed for potential repairs, imperial academy protocols for military classified data, and clan protocols to protect the person from the "government"-maintaining self determination, sanity, and family secrets. All of these levels of security might be seen cumbersome but the idea is to discourage hacking attempts from other clans, planetary governments, etc.. In the end, all that doesn't matter much to the story except the point about the A.I.

I haven't clarified the outside world on purpose but the Empire is a collection of clans that operate different segments (i.e. imperial senate in Star Wars) of the political entity. The imperial academy represents the military leader training for clan heirs, and the elite families. The Webster A.I. is a clan developed and controlled entity. The A.I. has clan protocols and manufacture protocols, in this story it doesn't care about classified military materials so doesn't need to hack it.

Webster was specifically developed for deep space missions that the prototype survey ship would of been sent on if the Empire had selected it for the mission. But as we know the Empire didn't award the contract to Von's clan so this is a one of a kind ship; and, the Empire nor the Clan had any idea how Webster at what level the A.I could "grow to" in operational conditions under the Alpha Protocol that is total independent command (an extreme measure in dire emergency conditions).



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