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Feral Lady: Blog


Castaway: Von's Haven

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This week I am working on correcting some errors in Castaway: Von's Haven with the gracious help of others. I am fixing little annoying things that got by me in book one, such as various sentences with tense conflicts.

I just got over a terrible week of the flu, so working on fixes fits with the time I have available, as I balance work and free time. Thus, book two's writing production is suffering this week and the next chapter will not be out this Friday.

Castaway: Explorer Schedule

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My goal is to release a chapter a week on Friday. The coordination of editors and my ability to produce a draft in a timely manner are the limiting factors. The editors are generous with their time but they do go on vacation. That said, the first eight chapters are written and the story outline is completed.

I will do my best to write at a healthy pace that creates my best product. To me, the writing is a journey and I am not in a rush; but, this blog is in response to inquiries.

Busy Writing

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I have two short stories with my faithful editors that tickled my muse. When the time is right I will release them in Feb.

Work on Castaway: Explorer is progressing and once I complete chapter five it will go out for editing. Thanks for all the interest in the series.

Castaway: Explorer

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Merry Christmas!
As quick note to respond to recent questions. I have been actually setting up Von's next adventure and the first organized words are working out of piles of notes, character points, plot points and background work that has been underway since September. It is a slow process but an active writing project that I am calling Castaway: Explorer.

Broken Wing is a short story I wrote for Christmas, testing out third person writing. I may pick him up again in the future but that story line isn't an active project.

Castaway: Book 2

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Thank you for all the e-mails inquiring about the next book. I am actively working on the follow up story. Every day I write a bit of dialogue, outline a scene and generally gather the story up in my mind and put it on paper.

My process is to create the story in a broad outline with bits of completed work before I actually organize the draft. It is my hope to make the first few chapters available in January (Assuming that works out for my editors).



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