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I wrote a fun little short story with illustration called "Cousins Don't modesty" set in a fictional world where girls are widely considered not to need modesty - it's sort of like the NIS (Naked in School) worlds. It's basically like it was in the 1970s - parents had no problem pulling down your britches in public and spanking your ass, and often felt that if you sassed a neighbor or another parent while you were at their house - they could as well. It's just it applies only to girls in this world.
The fun with this one was that Dalton comes from a family that raised him in the more modern style that we are familiar with - and is meeting his British cousins/babysitting for the first time. I used an Archie comics style for the illustration - but I spent a lot of time customizing them. This is no single button "Zing" press of the AI and out comes the perfect picture. I have hundreds of pictures I generated, and then I lovingly put together the illustration after upscaling and modifying it myself.
As most of you know, voting here is largely toxic/pointless representation of less than 1% of the readers and consist probably of lots of outliers of 1s and 10s.
Often, I've seen the trolls who refuse to read story codes leave comments like "This story included (XYZ) and I don't like (XYZ) so I voted 1/1" even though the codes clearly said it included that. One of the reasons I largely turned off comments is that it's a spotlight for dummies like that to post their dribble.
Yesterday my fun little story was at 7.22 and today, after posting one chapter - grammatically checked, nice illustration custom made, it's 6.7 - meaning a bunch of one-bombers came in and hit the story.
If you were one of those, I'd love for you to write to me and tell me why you do that. I won't argue with you or convince you to stop because it's impossible to encourage you to give honest reviews/fair scores, but I'd love for you to have the courage to tell me why you'd do that to an author who is trying to entertain you and is honest about the codes.
Even if the answer is "I am a troll, and I hate Eddie," or "Your story featured misogyny, and I don't like misogyny," or whatever - have the fucking courage to tell me why you do it. I feel like every vote on this site should have to come with an explanation.
It's definitely a useless metric that does more to discourage new authors than it ever would help anyone find a good story that they enjoy - but it still fascinates me that people do what they do with it.
The title of this blog has nothing to do with the topic.
Today, I have a new chapter of Twatmas ready to post up. I am just finalizing the editing. It only has one image. I think there is only one more chapter before the ending - which should include not only the Caroling, the Feasting, the Fucking, the Christmas Gifts from Santa, The Tree Decorating but some of the next day. We'll see if I can do all that in one chapter or I need another after.
I also started up a fun Girl Scout story. I am enjoying making the images almost as much as writing it. It's an alternate reality inspired by ideas such as "Naked in School". The ERA/Women's Suffrage never happened, and women's lives are pretty much as they've been for the last 2,000 years.
I included a fable in the second chapter - which is a bit of a controversial thing for a writer to do. A story within a story, so to speak. It has to something to do with the overall story, but it's a standalone "Prodigal Daughter" story.
I wrote it in the style of legends and myths. It draws inspiration from the Whore of Babylon (a real thing) and actual fairy tales from prior to the Disney-fication of those fairy tales. I based the image on a Skubalon on a combination of Kim Kardashian and Lisa Shutkever (a professional eater). Lisa often stares at the camera angrily as she stuffs something down her throat.
The angry eyes leave a subtext of "I can't believe you won the bet -fine, I'll do it," and she proceeds to easily stuff 12 inches of fat Gummy Worm down her throat and pull it back out and leave it wobbling.
Skubalon gets her comeuppance at the end of her tale. Skubalon is the Ancient Greek word for excrement. The subtext is the word got it's name FROM this woman. Her father's household Makalos was once a mighty trading house, and it too is an Ancient Greek word that basically means morally weak people who allow people like Skubalon to do what they want.
People sometimes get angry that a writer takes a chance and does something different. I could have just continued the story without including it and the story would work just fine. However, it was fun to write and I shared it with my readers. if you don't like it, just skip over it.
I drew inspiration from Grimm's Fairy Tales (the original ones). Hansel and Gretal used to explicitly give the reason the parents abandoned their children as starvation, based on a real famine from the 1300s. The witch was a straight up cannibal, no euphemisms for it. They throw her in an oven and burn her alive to escape.
The Disneyfication of that story makes it much different in context. All of the old Fairy Tales were that way. Those of you who know Krampus was taught as dark Christmas tradition that originated in Alpine folklore. Krampus is a half-demon, half-goat creature who punishes children who misbehave. That fits perfectly in the world of Girl Scout Cookies.
What if instead of coming up with Jolly Old Saint Nick, they just kept Krampus? Krampus is said to visit children on the evening of December 5, known as Krampusnacht. He accompanies Saint Nicholas, who rewards well-behaved children with gifts.
Krampus punishes children who misbehave by beating them with birch rods, stuffing them into a sack, or taking them to hell.
That's a real thing they taught kids. It's hard for some people to imagine, but it wasn't that long ago they used to make it so women couldn't even open a credit card without a husband's signature. The Madmen television series shows a world where the best a woman could hope for in a world dominated by men was to rise up in the typing pool and land an executive to marry her.
I enjoy exploring "What if" and mixing it into some of my stories.
If you do not enjoy that, there are thousands of other stories, and I need to learn not to give so many shits about it.
Why doesn't Eddie Post as Often?
The simple answer is the user community doesn't make it very fun or engaging. I rarely if ever get a constructive response to my stories. I had to turn off comments because it's usually someone named "redman71" who failed to read story codes complaining that he didn't like the story because it includes (something in the codes), and other nasty grams that discourage me.
What could be an opportunity to engage with an author, offer constructive feedback etc. is mostly for those few who read the story for free, shit on it, and then fly away like a seagull to repeat it across the Internet.
What could be a constructive and objective way to rank stories, so that you know if they may be worth your time, is largely an exercise is frustration for anyone who is new/trying to do something different.
I usually write a note of encouragement to EVERY new author that I see trying to write anything with femdom/Female led relationship stories. I know that they will have been hassled, down-voted, etc because it happens to anyone who takes a chance.
The insecure downvoters don't read blogs, so we can just say it; They are incel man-babies. The idea of an empowered woman or a man making a conscious choice to submit scares the shit out of them. To them, submission = weakness. They don't understand the strength it takes to serve others and put your needs aside.
They aren't voting to tell you the story is poorly crafted or poorly edited. They are telling you that it contains some element that scares them shitless and makes them insecure.
Girl Scout Cookies
I spent a lot of time with my friend OmegaPet (who hates embarrassed nude female stories, and is kind enough to help me edit anyway), writing this story. It's definitely ***NOT*** Femdom/FLR, in fact it's quite a bit opposite. It's the story of a slightly alternative universe where women's equality never took hold, and "Traditional Girl Scouting" reinforces the idea of gender norms where women are not equal.
They don't beat up on women, or relegate them to slaves/pets. However, it's a bit like it was 200 years ago in that it was unheard of for a woman to be a landlord, hold a professional job, hold political office, vote, go to college, etc. It would be scandalous and the women who spoke up about those issues were seen as rabble-rousers and bitches.
The women growing up in that system, largely thought it was fair because it was all they knew. It was the society they were born into.
I had a lot of fun writing the main character. I wanted to reflect her journaling so I did take a chance on something a little different. I wrote in excerpts of the Girl Scout Handbook in place of exposition.
Rather than have the character say "Girl Scouts can't wear shorts or jeans", I included a little excerpt of the uniform code. I enjoy that sort of stuff in stories.
I took a RATION of shit so large that you could never eat it in a year for just adding the N.I.S. rules to the third chapter of the N.I.S. Breeder story from the short-attention span brigade. I enjoy world building through things like that.
As an author, I usually keep a story bible that has all that sort of information so I can refer back to it anyway. Tolkien had his maps and languages. I like to write in some details about the structure of the organization and expectations. This is especially useful for people new to N.I.S. or who are old hands who don't know how MY version is going to work by including a parent, for instance.
This time, I decided to sprinkle it through the story in smaller increments, and usually include a visual as well. I took a lot of time to create nuanced AI images- added tons through paint.net, upscaling, etc to make them interesting - sort of like they were illustrations in the handbook that went along with the excerpt.
21 Down Votes in 24 hours
I don't know if there is a "Hate Eddie Brigade" or its just 1-2 people with many accounts. I like to ask politely that people wait until the 7th chapter before judging my story. I do the same courtesy. If I am going to judge a story -the cover or the first few pages is not enough to go on.
However, like Mary Christmas, I got an immediate 21 downvotes that crush the will of the author as a punitive measure.
They killed Mary Christmas. I handed it off unfinished to my friend Omega Pet, and he wrote the other half as a non-embarrassed nude female story to at least keep it alive. Which was a very kind gesture. I lost interest in writing it because of the negative trolling and so at least it got to live on that way. It's almost like two stories for the price of one, given the change of author tone/voice/theme.
I am taking down the Girl Scout Cookies story. It was supposed to be light hearted and fun like Twatmas. I may re-visit it. However, trolls once again win, in a system of voting that rewards trolls and not authors by relegating their stories to 5.0 out of 10 based on subjective popularity contests.
I've seen a story with less than 600 words get tons of positive votes as well - and it's about something I'd never read. Votes mean nothing, and I get that. However, you can't argue with the fact that it still stings to see that many in such a short time when you literally asked not to vote. I didn't demand - but sheesh.
I think one great option would be if we could as authors select "Turn on voting on chapter 7" - to me, that's the time to do it. My chapters are relatively long by most people's standards, but not by book standards. Authors can't turn on and off voting as they please any longer.
It tells me that this group of people would certainly crush a new author's spirit if they can crush mine.
I enjoy writing it. it's cathartic.
The main character is not a Mary Sue. You all probably know what one is;
She's the opposite of a "Mary Sue"
A Mary Sue is a fictional character who is unrealistically perfect and lacks flaws.
You've all seen the stories, she is the most popular girl, olympic level soccer player, everyone loves her, perfect appearance, speaks seven languages, because why not.
I put that up there with bad Star Trek fan fiction as a trope. In lieu of a nuanced personality; "His name was Jim. His parents were Admirals/Researchers (take your pick or both) on a research station that was destroyed when he was a kid. He was raised by [i](alternate culture, so he gets to have all that culture plus be human)[/i], and is Half Klingon-Half-Romulan-Half-Vulcan-Half-Ferrengi-Half-Cyborg, so he has all the best of those races as well, but none of the limitations.
My main character Hailey is a C student, believes strongly in the modesty aspects of Girl Scouts, and doing what she is told, isn't a rebel, isn't snarkily laughing as an outsider at the way things are, isn't secretly a genius - she's just someone who lives in this world. She isn't inherently bad, or good - she isn't a bitch who deserves humiliation, but she also believes (like her mother) that humiliation is actually a humane form of discipline compared to physical spanking.
She admits she doesn't get certain jokes. She admits she doesn't know everything - she can be vulnerable in the story without being an airhead. I want the reader to care about her journey, but also enjoy her humiliation/the salacious nature of the world that she lives in because she embraces it.
Not because it turns her on, but because this is the how this world is.
Which is the central point of this story. I will be honest - i don't know where this one is going. If I plan an epic it's never an epic, and it feels like work. I am just letting the character tell me where to go. It'll probably end up at a Girl Scout Jamboree, but outside of that I have no idea.
I will take it down - and it may return. Why don't I post every day?
I have several stories in progress. There are some that seem beloved like Twatmas and the New Foal.
There are some red headed step-children that never get attention but a few people really enjoy (Visiting Aunt Scarlet)
I have a dozen near complete or completed stories on my hard drive that are waiting publishing.
The reason I don't engage is quite simply that it feels like work here. People are generally apathetic about my work (at best), so when you get hit with negativity like the 21 vote salute within 24 hours after asking people nicely to hold off on voting?
It's even harder.
I sometimes get an email like "Hey, decent job" or "I like the pics" but rarely does anyone send me something constructive. I don't charge a dime for my work and never intend to do so. I could definitely use money, but I set out with one goal in writing;
To give back, and to inspire someone to write the way that authors like Vulgus and Hooked6 inspired me to write.
I am not inspiring anyone here to write stories like me. It's hard to get excited to finish or complete stories when I know that. I think some of the down-voters genuinely are people who are just angry that I didn't focus on their favorite stories - and to them - I say, well, you definitely aren't going to make me move faster that way, kid.
I'll post the continuation of those stories when I think they are ready, not a moment before. If I am not inspired to write a chapter, I don't. It'll turn out drek. If I am too inspired by something new to focus on editing, I ride the wave of inspiration and edit later. I definitely have them on my radar - but editing can also be a real slog. Almost all of Visiting Aunt Scarlet's next 15 chapters are done. I have entire stories ready to post. I just don't want to start too many at once when I have existing stories out there.
As many of you who read my stories know, I've had one story that has been the "Red-headed step child" of my stories - quite literally.
(As the main character is a red head, that tracks).
Mike McGifford wrote the first few chapters with my feedback way back in 2020. I didn't know how to make AI pictures at that time. I tried to write an ending because I thought it was a great premise.
Instead, I let it sit and sit, unloved and untouched.
Then one day, I get inspired and I started writing more, and illustrating with AI. The main character he wrote happened to have a striking resemblance to Scarlett Johanssen and for AI that's great because I can make a persistent character with a LORA.
One thing that I learned from this and one other story, was never publish a story until you have written it all.
My new process is fairly complex. I free-write every chapter so I don't lose momentum. I go back and polish later. I wont bore you with details but until it's out of a rough edit phase, I won't post it here.
If I did try and edit and polish each chapter, I'd eventually lose momentum like I did with Aunt Scarlet back in 2020. It takes too long to get it where I want it and by then I've forgotten what I wanted in the next chapter.
Through my own creative energies, I managed to get inspired to write the New Foal story, which is quite popular. I've had this NIS: Breeder story for so long that by god, I am going to publish all 77 chapters if it kills me.
I want to do all that before the end of the year.
I also wrote a Mary Christmas story and I want to have it finished by Christmas. It's not doing so hot voting wise but the votes here are skewed anyway.
I ASKED politely in the story notes not to vote until at least chapter seven. Just give it that to see if it grabs you are not. It's impossible to judge from chapter one. However, all 20 votes are from chapter 1 and 2 from people who basically gave me the middle finger and did it anyway.
Which is why I hate voting and tend to think it's more punitive than anything else.
I explained in the story notes that this story starts out a bit grim for the two girls. They are set up by a stepbrother, to get in trouble but it eventually has a happy outcome (as Christmas stories should).
It's kind of like the "Bad Dad" story on Hallmark. You already know the trope. He'll get stuck at the airport and through a series of really unfortunate events he'll learn the true meaning of Christmas and say fuck the Anderson account, and spend it with his wife and kids throwing snowballs at their perfect house.
You gotta go through the crises to get to the end.
Originally it had about 12 chapters. I was QUITE unhappy with the ending I slapped on it. I had another idea brewing that I felt inspired to write.
However, I decided to go ahead and rewrite and expand the ending. If I post a chapter a day every day I won't finish by Christmas.
So, I am doing two a day when I can, to finish NIS as well by the end of the year.
For those of you who want more Aunt Scarlet and Foal: Both have more chapters written but I want to prioritize these others because they are close to the finish line, and Foal and Scarlet have a long way to go to the end.
I apologize about that. I am not pulling a George R.R. Martin on you here. I am just prioritizing to focus on finishing a few before 2025.
I've got one story called "Birthday games" completely finished after that. I've got another one called "Nude Rules," which I am quite proud of that is leading a family toward a nudist household. I've got a bunch of other ideas percolating. However, give Eddie the benefit of the doubt. I love the Aunt Scarlet story, and if you are a fan - I love you too.
It's been waiting this long to get its ending. Give it a little longer, and check out the conclusions of these other two stories in the mean time.
I violated my own rule posting Foal early, because it was so fucking good that I couldn't wait. I learned my lesson there. Finish one, start another.
Once these all get completed, I'll be doing that from now on. There could be gaps in posting a story because I tend to enjoy longer stories.
My friend Mike McGifford came up with the idea that started Foal. In his original draft, he mentioned a man named Eddie Davidson in casual conversation - but never any details about him.
I've been writing most of Foal, and decided to finally introduce him as my alter-ego and in this chapter I added a picture for your edification.
It's a boner killer for sure, but I think it adds something to the story. They say a picture is worth 1000 words, but it doesn't actually add to the word count of the story.
It does though add a little something to help provide background. Tolkien added maps, and there are some illustrations on covers and inside books just to give enough to help paint the world for the reader.
That's my goal with AI art - its fun to create. I normally do stuff that's sexual in nature, but I decided for one to do a self portrait.
One other thing that I added to this story is a powerful metaphor about shaping raw iron into something more - more valuable through the process of what some may consider pain and trouble.
I can't take credit for this idea. I saw a brilliant craftsman explain that the iron spike he was using had been sitting in the ground minding it's own business. When the spike is introduced to heat (The pain of life/trouble) it may ask "Why me? I did not ask for this".
And the pain shapes it, makes it brittle and easy to mold into something else. It is that crucible process that shapes all of us and can make us into a lump of mush, or something new and even stronger than before.
I know, that's deep, right? This is supposed to jerk off story about sexy hispanic girls that dress up like ponies and prance around with their tits out.
I thought that message was so powerful, that I enshrined it in this chapter, and it is for that reason that it is one of my favorites of all time.
A lot of my stories have fetish elements that some people find distasteful and that's okay, not everything is for everyone. However, I really think this particular chapter would appeal to many even if you arent into kinky leather stuff and elaborate shibari rope bondage.
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