Clee Hill: Blog


The Whilhelm Scream - Chapter 3

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A day ahead of time, chapter 3 just hit the queue.

Quite a talky chapter, and it needs to be to get 'it' out of the way, but after this chapter, there'll be much less talking and a lot more doing of...things.

As ever, I'm self-editing, so if you spot a goof, let me know.


The Wilhelm Scream vs Simon & Trudi

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Just finishing up the next chapter of Luke and Stef, and there's a definite difference to Simon and Trudi.

For the 'Wilhelm siblings' - as good a name as any - the next chapter involves a bit of talking as well as some 'action', but with them the focus is always the creep forwards.

For the Professor and his students, his focus is always on double-talking himself into letting his students push the boundaries again and again and again.

So, for those reading both stories, Simon will continue his sophistry, whilst Luke and Stef will spend much of chapter 3 having a conversation about what they're doing, and coming up with some good 'reasons' for what (may) happen next, after which they just get on with it.

Of course, for Luke and Stef it's more complex than that, but they won't know that for a couple of (their) weeks until...[spoilers].

All of which means, Simon will be back, and chapter 3 of The Wilhelm Scream is on schedule for Sunday's release.


The Wilhelm Scream - chapter 2

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The next chapter is in the submission queue, so hopefully it'll be live soon.

This time round, Luke and Stef go shopping, Luke for swim trunks, and Stef for bikinis and underwear, with Luke gaining a whole new concept demonstrated, the 'mirror selfie', as taken in the changing rooms.

And The Thing he bought keeps making noises...

NB: This is where things start moving, though so far the sex is offstage...

As I'm self-editing and self-proofing (yeah, I know) if anyone spots any goofs, please let me know.


Simon and Trudi - redux - sort of

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Having seen how popular the first chapter of The Wilhelm Scream has been, it has made me reconsider The Pipesmoker & The Schoolgirl, specifically, whether the chapters should be shorter and this should be made into a single book.

My thinking is that shorter chapters are easier to read, easier to write, and might prompt me to continuing their adventures sooner rather than later, as light relief from Wilhelm.

Thoughts, anyone?

The Wilhelm Scream - chapter 2

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Wow, did I get a positive response to chapter 1. So many readers and emails and positive scores. My thanks to all!

So, I'm just about to do the final pass on chapter 2, which is quite a bit longer than chapter 1, but some of that is introducing the kids' parents and setting more of the scene between them all. It also features a shopping trip, but it's a good one, honest. Poor Luke, he really doesn't see things coming unless they're really close up.

Anyhoo, everything's on schedule, and chapter 2 should be uploaded sometime on Sunday.




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