Clee Hill: Blog


Updated Wilhelm release schedule

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So, aside from how much enjoyment people are getting from this story, the other common thread from most correspondents is that they wish I would publish new chapters more often.

My plan all along had been to keep to a new chapter every three weeks, this giving me plenty of thinking time as well as editing time. It also fit into my RL commitments which often take me away from writing and meaning I may forget to include details that may not matter, but sure make things fun.

However, not only am I finding that I miss spending time with Luke and Stef running around the inside of my head if I'm only working on a three week schedule, but now that the outlines of Book 2 are forming in my mind, I'm anxious to get into that to see where it takes the siblings.

Consequently, whilst it's not cast in stone or anything like that, I shall do what I can to get Book 1 out of the door in good order, meaning that new chapters should come out every couple of weeks, and if I have a sudden spurt of productivity, then maybe even more frequently than that. No promises, but we'll see.


The Wilhelm Scream - Chapter 5 - en queued

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Chapter 5 has just gone into the queue for uploading.

As ever, eternal gratitude awaits anyone who finds a goof and lets me know so I can fix it.

This time around, there's more fun and games, more about The Thing, and a visit to the finest jeweller's shop in town.

Plus the appearance of a thong, too.


The Wilhelm Scream - Chapter 5

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So I lost a week to migraines, and I'm only just at the end of the second, killing draft where I get to go back over what I wrote, shake my head at how poorly I expressed things, bang my head against the wall over the things I skimmed over, and spend a long time getting it fixed up to where it should have been by the end of last week.

I'll be taking a day off, then trying to get all intense about it on Thursday so I can still make Sunday's deadline for the next chapter's release.

This chapter gets into some of what The Thing is, and after this things start to pick up in pace and intensity, plot wise and erotically too.

Hopefully I'll roll right into that next week.


The Wilhelm Scream - Chapter 4

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New chapter in the queue.

More fun for Luke and Stef, plus a little food porn for those who know their eggs Benedict.

This was an interesting chapter to write. The first draft (always not much more than a placeholder of plot and occasional flashes of dialogue I'm especially proud of) was quite short when I wrote it. However, on going back in for the second draft, it really needed to be slowed down as there were some things that needed concentrating on.

Part of that is an authorial choice.

The way this story progresses is that certain things are done more than once, for reasons, but to keep describing those things in the same level of detail would be redundant duplication. So the way this story will go is that first times are covered in depth, but after that repetitions are only given detail when some new element is discovered. Sorry if that sounds vague, but it will make sense as we get deeper into what's going on.

Speaking of which, there's a coda about The Machine that will lead quite nicely, in its way, into the next chapter.

As ever, I'm self-editing, so if anyone notices any goofs, please drop me a line so I can fix them.

Also, there's a bit more Welsh in this chapter, not much, and it's always referenced quickly enough that it should make sense. Again, if not let me know and I'll look at it again.


The Whilhelm Scream - Chapter 4

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Just about to get into the final edit of the newest chapter, and this one's even longer than the last.

Of course, that's no real surprise given that Luke gets handed a bottle of suntan oil by Stef and told to make like a masseuse.

What's a brother to do?




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