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C.H. Darkstrider: Blog


Writing Pace

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Hello everyone! I just wanted to say something to address the messages and emails I've been getting from my fans. I hear what you're all saying and I would love nothing more than to write out the stories you want most! Sadly, that isn't in the deck of cards at the moment.

The thing is, I'm what you call a 'working writer'. Someone who has a regular day job and responsibilities on top of crafting the stories that I write. The stories I do write are the ones that are my most popular stories and the ones that most folks want. Because I'm a working writer, my main 3 are the only ones I really have time for. Unless I happen to stumble across a hypertime watch or find a hyperbolic time chamber that I can use(lol), my time is limited.

It is unfortunate that I cannot write these additional stories, or amp up the production of my main stories, but that's how it is. After over 6 years of doing this, I only have about 22% of the support I need in order to take up writing full time. It's been a slow, uphill battle just to get this far and the way things are, it will be longer still. Barring some sort of miracle, the pace I have going will have to be the pace that things stay at. For now.

I hope you all understand where I'm coming from on this matter and that it's not an easy position to be in. I do look forward to the day where I can write full time, all day, every day. Here's hoping that day comes sooner rather than later. Cheers!

C. H. Darkstrider

New page launched!!

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Hello there everyone!! Got a little something that I wanted to talk about and as the title implies, I have gone and launched a new page. Said page is another Patreon page, and while it is linked to the stories I write, it is different from my main page.

For those who are wondering how it is different, it is my stories reposted, without any X-rated content attached to it. The chapters that are going to be posted there will be pure story, with only hints and innuendo about what was removed.

I decided to do this as there have been a fair amount of people clamoring for me to put out just the story. But also, there are folks who wanted me to keep writing the tales just as they are, so I thought, why not do both?

With this new page now formally launched, there will be SFW variants of my stories posted there for those who wish to read them. It's a bit bare for the moment, but more chapters will be landing there over the course of the next several weeks.

Now, some folks might be a bit miffed about me putting them all behind a paywall this time. The thing is, this tacks on more time to my already swamped work schedule, on top of the innumerable pile of stuff that needs doing.

From where I'm standing, since I am trying to meet the demand that a good chunk of my fans are insisting on, which is extra work for me, a little extra isn't out of the question. For those who think so, I'm sorry you feel that way, but a man has to make a living, yeah? For those who may be interested in SFW versions of my tales, you can find me under this handle: ZL_Lightworker.

Thank you all who continue to read and enjoy my work! Cheers!!

Update for my followers and readers!

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So, at the behest of one of my readers, I've decided to post an update of what's been going on over the last few months. Some folks might have been wondering why I stopped with the updates and the simple truth is, I've been ruiniously busy, along with dealing with whatever curveballs life tosses at me. So, here's what's been going on for me.these past few months.

It wasn't too long ago that I contracted COVID and found myself out of commission for the better part of a week. Thankfully, I got my vaccines, including the booster, and kicked the damn thing to the curb quick enough. As I've said before and I'll say it again, it'll take the undertaker nailing shut my coffin to get me to stop writing, lol!!

Speaking of writing, I am aware that there are a few of my readers and fans who are pleading with me to write faster. The thing is, I already do that! Every month, I am writing a total for 4 different stories, at the same time, with one new story chapter for each! Those chapters are available to my patrons on Patreon well before they arrive here. Some folks might bellyache about this, and wonder why everything doesn't drop here, but as Heath Ledger's Joker once said, 'If you're good at something, never do it for free.'

I am getting somewhere with reaching the mountaintop to where I can pack my job in, and write full time, but I still have a ways to go. While my popularity is higher than some of the writing titans here, I'm still not pulling in as much support as I need to be a full time writer. Been at this for nearly 5 years now, and while I'm not as far as I'd like to be, I'm going to keep going until I get there, or die trying.

I've also been busy with finding and commissioning artists for some artwork that I've wanted done, but it has been far from easy. More often than not, the art I want, I can't afford and the art I can afford, I don't want. Found a few artists that did work I liked, but I wasn't fast enough and it's been a bit of slog. So, I'm looking into doing that sort of thing myself and as before, I don't care how long it takes, but I'm going to get it done.

On top of which, dealing with my regular day job, and the hours I spend working there and getting there and back eats up a lot of my time. Not to mention the time that I set aside for spending with my family, so I'm not a workaholic husband and father.

Suffice it to say, my schedule has been more than a little swamped! But, I found some time to come up with this, so everyone knows that I'm OK, still writing, more than a little busy and trying my damndest to make writing my full time job. I hope that everyone is doing all right out there and that all is well for you and yours! Cheers everyone!

Collective works update!

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Good morning everyone! I hope you are all doing well and that things are getting better for everyone! With the vaccine now being distributed to everyone possible and things oopening back up, I would believe that they are!

As everyone is aware, chapter posts of my stories are constant, but I thought I'd let folks know about the things going on lately. First and most exciting of which is the fact that I now have artwork of my characters!! Both SFW and NSFW!! I found an artist who not only does quality artwork, but for a reasonable price as well! For those who want to see samples of the work she does, check out her Twitter page @SolaiceArt

Another thing I have been doing is updating all of my old chapters, so they are of a better quality than when I first wrote them. I know it sounds tedious, and there are days that it is! But, polishing my tales like this is worth it!

Lastly, I just wanted to let people know that because of the amount of support I have recieved, I am opening up Wings of Fire to enter into my writing rotation! Yes, more chapters of that story will be coming but at a slower rate. Because of how much my superfans are clamoring for more story of my usual rotation, I have to address them first. While it is slower than I'd like, any progress is good progress, yeah?

Well, that about wraps things up with this update and I hope that everyone pulls through these troubled time, no worse for wear. Cheers!

Lacking the time.

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Yet again, people are calling for me to pick Wings of Fire, citing they want to see more of that world. It's good to seee that the fervor for my stories hasn't dulled! It's heartening to see that people still enjoy the stories as much as they do! While I love writing them, as the title of this blog post denotes, I lack the time to write them all, sadly.

While I love the world I have started to create in Wings of Fire, I have more than enough on my plate as it is, with my main three stories. Unlike some of the writing titans on this site, I don't have nothing but time on my hands.

I have a full time job that I go to every day (yes, I'm working in the middle of a pandemic, which also eats up 2 hours daily via my commute), plus I have a family to look after and spend time with when I'm at home, on top of the myriad of other obligations that is required of me, as a husband, father and head of the house.

I write what I can, when I can, with whatever time I can manage to find. If I had nothing but time on my hands like the aforementioned titans, such as Tefler, Authorannabelle and Etaski, just to name a few, then I would look into picking up this story, among the myriad of others that want out of my head. As it stands, it's highly unlikely that I'll get around to that anytime soon.

It's been nearly 4 years since I started writing and I've made a lot of progress. At the rate my growth is at the moment, it will be years more before I can take up writing as my full time job. Unless some sort of miracle occurs and I get the support I need in a matter of months as opposed to years. Highly unlikely to happen, but hey, a man can dream, right?

I hope this helps folks understand where I stand on things and why I have yet to pick up on things I started. I hope you are all staying safe in the midst of this pandemic and that we all come out of this all right! Cheers!!!



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