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C.H. Darkstrider: Blog


Story update!

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Hello everyone! As the title states, there is a new update to one of my stories. I've been sitting on a few ideas about how I will continue to write and landed on a decision. As far as the story, Project Prometheus is concerned, there will always be a new chapter landing each month!

Even if I'm working on one of my other stories like Gaia's Champion or Tales of the Wastelander, I will continue working on and cranking out more chapters of everyone favorite erotic space opera!

Don't worry about me pushing myself too hard or stretching myself a bit thin. I've finally developed a process that allows me to work on multiple stories at any given time, without losing my ish! So, be on the lookout for more chapters landing on a constant basis! Cheers!

Name Change!

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So, I'm sure that some folks here are wondering about the name change. Well, I was honestly debating it for the last little while and thought that a change was necessary. Not only a rebranding, but also how I approach this whole bit as a writer. A name like Swirling Jedi was bit on the childish side, so I felt a rebranding was needed.

Don't worry, I'm still the same guy, who will be writing the same stories that you all love! I just thought an image makeover was needed, to show that I wasn't just some wannabe, but someone who is a through and through writer. Who has their own ideas and stories that need to be told. That being said, I do hope that everyone likes it and worry not, the pace will continue and with a little luck, you'll be enjoying the next chapter soon.


Pace of writing

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Hello all! Just thought I'd share something that has been on my mind for the last few weeks. First, I just want to say thank you to all my fans and followers for your unwavering support and appreciation!

Now, the matter at hand is the pace in which I write. I realize that not everyone is going to read every blog post, so I will reiterate. I am not a full time writer, like some others on this site and others are. I am what is classified as a working writer, meaning that I have a full time job, on top of writing my stories.

I know that many of you are chomping at the bit, eagerly awaiting for the next chapter in any of my stories. Many folks have left comments, sent PMs and emails, asking me when the next chapter is going to land. The short answer is; when I manage to get together enough time to get it done.

Though I will say, I did experience something pleasant while I was off on vacation, several weeks ago. Though I was with family and chilling with them, I had a lot more time on my hands. Enough time, to where I was able to write a new chapter of Tales of the Wastelander, from start to finish, proofread it, edit it and do it all over again, to crank out said chapter within a week!

I know, I was surprised about this as well! So, going on this, if I had all day, everyday, to write, I would be able to crank out 4-5 chapters a month! And that's not including additional lore, sketches and the like, which I am closing in on the quality level that I would be comfortable with releasing.

So, in conclusion, if I had the time and support to be able to write full time, I would do so with the expectation of cranking out much in the manner of content! But, until such support materializes, my current pace is what it is. I hope that clarifies any lingering questions about when more chapters are coming. Cheers!

Writer's Gambit results!

Posted at Updated:

Well, I have rolled the 6 sided dice on each story and here are the results for the extra chapters for each story I have!

Project Prometheus gets 3 extra chapters, for a total of 4! Gaia's Champion gets 4 extra chapters, for a total of 6! Tales of the Wastelander gets 6 extra chapters, for a total of 7!

Well, it looks like I have a lot of writing ahead of me and I had best get started! With so much to do, there will literally be no end to the ideas and stories I write!

For those who may be wondering as to why I didn't use a bigger dice, like a 8 sided, a 12 sided or even a 20 sided dice, worry not! I have every intention of upgrading from a D6, but only when certain goals are met ;) Time to get writing! Cheers!

P.S. For those who want to see the visual results, check them out here, check my Patreon page for the public photos.

Writer's Gambit & writing update!

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So, I have been wracking my brain about the upcoming Writer's Gambit and the pace at which I have been writing. For those who don't know as of yet, I had a pretty massive setback when it came to the release of Gaia's Champion Ch. 06. I was nearly finished with it and had maybe a page left to write, when I experienced a freak accident, losing the whole file! Thankfully, I had an earlier copy saved on a backup drive, so I was able to reconstruct it in a week's time.

About the Writer's Gambit, I was thinking about which story would be more popular and how the voting would go. That's when I came up with the idea to not just do a chapter blitz of just one story. Instead, I will do a chapter blitz of all three of my current stories! So, for the first Writer's Gambit, I will roll a D6 for each story, to determine how many extra chapters each story gets!

Because I am currently on vacation, which gives me free reign to write as much as I like, I am going to see just how much I can get done! Thank you for your support everyone and I hope you enjoy what's to come! Cheers!



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