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C.H. Darkstrider: Blog


Status of Wings of Fire

Posted at

So, I've picked up a few messages and comments about what is going to happen with my one story, Wings of Fire. Just to put everyone's mind at ease, I am not scrapping and dismantling the world like I did with Beyond Sight. The story will continue, rest assured.

At this time though, my main focus is on my three primary stories, Project Prometheus, Gaia's Champion and Tales of the Wastelander (which is a Patreon exclusive). I will return to the universe that I created, just not at this time.

Some of you may be asking 'Why?' and the answer to that is simple; I lack the time needed to write, while still keeping up with my current projects. When I have the ability to quit my job and write full time, then I will reopen the story from its paused state. Though at the slow rate in which I have been gathering support, despite my best efforts, it'll be a while. :(

James'journey will continue eventually, just not right now. I know it sucks to those of you who are fans of that story, but that's just the hand I've been dealt. And I have no other option but to just roll with it, until I get dealt a new hand. Cheers.

Announcing the Writer's Gambit!

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Hello everyone! I have been mulling over a particular idea to further involve my fans, followers and patrons more in my writing process. This idea is really quite simple and gives everyone the chance to direct which way my writings will go!

This idea, which I call my Writer's Gambit, is for everyone who reads and loves my work, to cast their vote, for their favorite story that they want more of. The vote will go on for seven days and at the end of that time, the winner will be chosen.

Now here is where things get interesting. Everyone who is a fan, follower and/or patron can vote, but a patron's vote will count as two! The number of chapters that I write, will be determined by a D6 (a six sided dice). I will roll the dice and the number that comes up will decide how many extra chapters of the winning story, that I will write in sequence.

To be fair to the fans of the other stories, I will only do a Writer's Gambit once every three to four months. I will begin the first Writer's Gambit in about six to eight weeks, which is roughly the deadline I have for the release of Tales of the Wastelander Ch. 02. Feel free to share your thoughts about this and I look forward to getting started! Cheers!

Writing Update #2

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I have finished working on Project Prometheus Ch. 11 and have it on my Patreon page! Have commenced work on Gaia's Champion chapter 5 and 6 and will be releasing chapter 3 to public access soon. I know it's been a while since I released anything, but when life calls, you answer. Expect to see chapter 11 landing here soon! Cheers!

Patience, please.

Posted at

I just need to clear the air for a moment. I know that people who have read my work enjoy it. I know that people are wanting more of it and that's great! The only problem is that I don't have much in the manner of time to get it done as fast as everyone would like.

In case folks haven't figured it out just yet, I am only one person, doing all of this. I am the only person brainstorming ideas, writing them down, going through at least 2 drafts, writing the final draft, editing, beta reading, editing again and going over it with a fine tooth comb before releasing the content.

I do all of that, on top of trying to relearn my drawing talents, so I can at least give some visuals to my fans, build on the universes I created and craft lore to go with it. On top of which, I have a regular day job, am a husband and a father, which eats up a lot of my waking hours.

Being only one person, that's a lot to do and as much as I wish I could do it all at a super fast pace and have new content every week, that's not in the deck of cards. Sadly, I can't just clone myself to solve that issue, and believe me, I've looked into it, lol!

I also have no one else I know who is willing to help with all of this. The few people that I can trust to help and not try to either ruin it or wrest it away from me, have their own lives and have shown no interest in helping with it. So, making all of this happen lands squarely on my shoulders.

So, as the title of this blog post denotes, have some patience, please. I am doing everything that I can to find the time needed to get everything done. Until I get to the point where I can walk away from my day job to write full time, this is how it is.

I do hope that everyone who follows and enjoys my work can understand this. More content and chapters will be coming, don't worry! As I have said before and I'll say it again, the day I stop writing is the day the undertaker nails shut my coffin! Cheers!

Story retired.

Posted at

So, after I've taken a look at all of my stories, having reread each one of them, I've come to a difficult decision. The story, Beyond Sight, will be coming down from this page and all subsequent pages where I've posted it, never to be finished or continued.

It wasn't an easy decision to make, believe me, but I feel that this story hasn't maintained the standard that I've hoped. Too much of it has gotten away from what I've originally planned and to do it over work require me to rewrite the whole idea from the ground up.

Though just because the story will no longer continue, doesn't mean that I won't use some aspects or characters from this idea and integrate it into one or two other of my ideas. I will make use of what I can, when I can and when I feel it is a pertinent idea to use them. I hope that everyone here can understand my reasoning on this. Cheers!



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