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Beth--future chapters

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My many comp days after returning from an intense field effort allowed me a lot of writing time. In addition to Chapters 218-221 which have already been posted, I also have uploaded Chapters 222-225, which will be posted every fourth day, beginning tomorrow evening -- the Western Hemisphere tomorrow evening.

Beth--Chapter 219

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I uploaded Chapter 219 last night to post tonight, although it hasn't posted, yet.

Beth--Chapter 218

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Thanks to a long connection on my return flight, I finished chapter 218 in an airport and, now that I'm home and unpacked, I've just uploaded it to the publication queue. It should be posted sometime tonight.

Beth--continuation thereof

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Readers: I'll be back from a very hectic two weeks' field work tomorrow evening, and have a few comp days coming to me, so hope to get the next chapter of Beth finished and posted sometime soon. Of course, some of that comp time will be dedicated to all those mundane tasks so important after two weeks gone.

Thanks to all of Beth's readers for sticking with the story.

Beth--Chapters 217 and 218

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I hope to get the next chapter (217) uploaded in time for the typical upload of a chapter every four days (due on the 24th). While that chapter is mostly written, work is rearing its... head. The company for whom I work just got an emergency contract and I fly out (domestically, unfortunately) on Saturday. Since there's a huge bonus for rapid completion, my crew and I will be working very long days. That means that if I don't get Chapter 218 done before I leave or during my travel out, I probably won't get to it until my return, and that is somewhat open-ended. I hope to, at least, post an estimate of when 218 will post once I have some firm idea.

Sorry for the probable delay, but them's the breaks when you work for a living.




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