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BluDraygn: Blog


Running behind, but with good reason!

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That reason being that the next chapter is off to the editor, which I am very excited about! Will be posting as soon as I get it back and give it a once over. :D

Taking the plunge... Editor needed

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I've been putting this off for far too long. My fiasco with Chapter 13 has brought to the forefront just how much I need a good editor/proofreader. As such I have finally put in the request and hope to hear something soon.

Honestly, I'm a little terrified. Over the last few months these stories have become my babies and I know a good editor will probably rip them to shreds, only to put them back together into something far better than my meager talents can produce.

Being sick sucks

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I am honestly terrified to look at Chapter 13 right now, I've been sick for the past week and wrote most of it under the influence of antibiotics and cough medicine (the good kind) and the story went fluttering off in its own direction.

Guess I'm going to have to re-read it so I can decide to drag things back on course or see where this new direction takes me.

Don't get me wrong, this has happened before and it worked out well. I'm just worried about writing while meds were making me loopy, as I sit here , now clear headed, I cant even remember everything that happened in the chapter.

As I said, being sick sucks


Busy week, running behind

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Chapter 12 is in the proofreading stage at the moment should hopefully be up tonight or tomorrow at the latest.

It's not over 9000, but being over 8.00 is pretty kick ass

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I'm just amazed at all of the positive feedback on The Runesmith Chronicles, when I started this and figured out (kind of) how the rating system works 8.00 + looked like a 'next summer I might get there' thing. Here I am a week away from doing this for two months. I'm honestly stunned, all of my readers are awesome! XD



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