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BluDraygn: Blog


Merry Christmas Everyone!

Posted at

Just wanted to wish everyone here at SOL Merry Christmas! I'm going to attempt to put up a chapter today as a Christmas present to my readers. I've been lucky enough to have taken care of most of my Christmas-y stuff earlier in the month so there isn't much going on for me until this evening. It will really depend on if I can get it finished and proofed a couple times before this afternoon.

Happy Holidays!

First Blog

Posted at

Never done a Blog before so I'm giving it a shot here :)
Since this is supposed to be news about what's going on I guess the easiest way to start would be mentioning that Chapter 8 of The Runesmith Chronicles went up yesterday. Chapter 9 is up on Patreon for those interested. And I'm about three pages into Chapter 10 so far ?



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