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BluDraygn: Blog


Searching for the Sky - Just a Sip

Posted at

Just submitted a Searching for the Sky extra called 'Just a Sip' It comes after Ch 17 but isn't part of the main story line so I'm hoping that how I put it in the submission form works. If you don't see it soon I'll try something different

Yup... I was pissed off at him too

Posted at

I've been getting a lot of hate for the ending of chapter 15.
I get it, I understand, and in many ways I felt pretty much the same as all of you when I got done writing it.

I won't spoil anything in the next chapter, but I will say that
if you are pissed off at Kal for what he did to Sera, then I must be doing something right.

Patreon has a problem with SOL?

Posted at Updated:

Curious if anyone else with Patreon accounts has had this issue. My Patreon account was flagged for containing pedo, beastiality, rape, etc. None of this stuff is in my stories as my readers can attest. Monster girls? Yes. Beastiality? No. and the only instance of rape is off camera and used as a plot point.

The curious part of this was that the links to oldfart's and my stories here on SOL were the only two mentioned when I asked for clarification. This seems odd as I also post on Literotica and Wattpad. It's the same story, just different websites.

However, in a sense I can somewhat understand if that were the case. Many other websites have very strict guidelines on such things where SOL is more lax and still hosts high-squick factor content.

Any feedback from others who are having or have had the same issue would be greatly appreciated.

As a final note I invite everyone to read my stories and judge for yourselves. The rapey part is in the third chapter, though you may want to read the first two for context.

Sorry if this came across as a bit of a rant.


P.S. Ugh really cant wait to get my story back from my new editor, reading through that section in Ch. 3 was a good reminder of how far I've come as an author.

I got a Review!

Posted at Updated:

Read It Here!

or just go to the Review page, as of writing this it's the latest one.

With as rare as these seem to be on the site it's hard not to feel a bit excited. Thank you fixitman 8267 for picking my story! :D


Poll for a strange quessstion (Revisited)

Posted at

Didn't realize that people needed to have a Patreon account to participate in the poll on my last blog post. Thank you sharkjcw for pointing that out. As such, I'm just going to post it here as well.
Message me with the number you pick and any thoughts if you want.

If a Medusa uses one of her snakey hairs to get off...
Is it masturbation or beastiality?
Asking for a friend. XD
(There's questions in life you never expect to ask. This is one of them. LOL)

1. They're attached to her body same as fingers. Masturbation

2. Sneks in the vajayjay is still sneks in the vajayjay. Beastiality

3. Flickies on the clitties is cool (or nips), but danger noodle dildo is going too far.

4. You sick fuck! That's nasty! Ewwwww!

Excerpt from one of my responses on Patreon:
If she needed something done (biting, squeezing) then she could direct the snake to do it as if it were a hand. However, when not being directly controlled, her hair would take cues from her subconscious. Hissing at or even attacking enemies and possibly wrapping around and squeezing a breast if aroused.

I was thinking a small amount of autonomy would be interesting. But tied in with her mood.



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