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BluDraygn: Blog


Note To Readers:

Posted at

First off, my apologies for the long silence.

Please allow me a moment to explain...

In Dec my Dad had a heart attack. Firstly, he's doing fine and he received treatment quickly enough there was no damage to his heart. Being a good son, I spent the next month with my Mom and Dad helping them out until he came off driving/lifting restriction. When i returned home in Jan I thought my marriage of 26 years was ending and my attention was largely directed toward that. Working to repair my marriage triggered my wife to have a nervous breakdown and fall into a deep, but thankfully brief depression. We spent most of Feb and some of Mar figuring out how to fix what was broken and what our marriage is going to look like in the future. As of writing this we both feel that our relationship is stronger than it has ever been.

This is just the cliff-notes of what's been going on in my life keeping me from posting. That website that starts with P helps pay the bills and so became a priority during all of this while my readers here fell by the wayside, and for that I am deeply sorry.

I won't promise this won't happen again because life is life, and sometimes it throws a bunch of shit your way all at once. But, I will say I greatly appreciate you sticking with me.

My most heartfelt thanks


Happy Valentines Day!

Posted at

Not Valentine themed, but I submitted part 2 of Close Encounters of the Garden Variety for my wonderful readers! :D

Big news and a free story!

Posted at Updated:
is a thing and will no longer just bounce people to my Patreon!

As a celebration of sorts, I'm offering a free story that was originally going to be Patron Only.

"The Prologue" tells the tale of how Kal and Ikuno first met and will only be available through At the bottom of the page just put in your email, the format you would prefer (Epub, Kindle, PDF, or webpage) and I'll send you the story. :D

Goldilocks is fixed

Posted at

Someone pointed out that I uploaded the wrong version of Goldilocks and the Three (Were)Bears.

I left the placeholder name "Earl" (which I recommend NEVER using as a placeholder no matter how much you want the guy to die since when you replace it with the character's final name it also picks up 'early' and 'nearly') in instead of the name in the second part "Owen."

That was bad enough, but I also managed to mess up the second part by forgetting to replace 'Goldy' with 'Goldie.'

This is very confusing since I remember doing Find & Replace for both of these changes but for some unknown reason, it's like they reverted to previous versions.


Anyway, both parts are fixed now and my apologies to those who were thrown off by these inconsistencies.



The tags are there for a reason

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It is constantly drilled into an author's head how important it is to tag our stories properly.

It doesn't help if readers don't use them.

If a story isn't your thing and you end up reading it because you ignored the tags, that's on you. Don't 1-star the story because you weren't paying attention.



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