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BluDraygn: Blog


Okay, i get it, i screwed up.

Posted at

I honestly felt that the first paragraph did a good job stating that Ch. 2 was a flashback going over the events leading up to Ch. 1.

I was apparently mistaken.

Please stop sending me mail saying that I got the order of the chapters backwards.

Yes there is a Book 2

Posted at

Somehow I forgot to put in my foreword that I am currently working on Book 2 of The Runesmith Chronicles. My apologies to those who thought I was just leaving it as it is.

Just to clarify, I'm not an asshole.

Posted at

Just got a nastygram from someone upset because the last chapter of Book 1 of TRC is currently only up on Patreon and they got the mistaken impression that only my patrons got to see the final chapter.

This is absolutely not the case. Any stories that I begin posting here on SOL, WILL BE POSTED IN THEIR ENTIRETY. My patrons are merely a chapter ahead of the free sites.

I will not blackmail people into becoming patrons. Not only because every single site I post on has a policy against it but also because it's a shitty thing to do to readers. this was a common practice in the early-mid 2000's by porn websites and I was personally a victim of reading three to four chapters then running into a paywall. Only complete assholes do things like this.

Personally, I pride myself on not being an asshole.

Just wanted to throw this out there for anyone else who might have thought the same thing as this guy.

The final chapter of The Runesmith Chronicles: Oni and the Farmer will be going up this Friday or Saturday so keep an eye out!

I'm still working on outlining and planning for Book 2, which should be coming in a few weeks.

Final note I will soon start updating all of the early chapters (1-12) with edited and slightly reworked versions: better continuity with later chapters, minor grammar issues, sentence structure, etc.

Thanks again to Old Fart for all of his help with editing


Thank you all!

Posted at

I wanted to extend my sincerest thanks to the community here at storiesonline for the outpouring of support that I got after my last blog post.

I was really having a difficult time reconciling a difficult part of a new story I'm working on and everyone from authors to proofreaders, beta readers, and even a couple of my own fans (if it's appropriate to say that I have fans) came out to let me know that it was okay to step, in this case, far out of my comfort zone for the sake of the story.

I tried to answer as many of you as I could but in case I missed a few I want to let you know I greatly appreciate your kind words and for sharing your experiences with me.

Again, thank you all so much!


Have you ever written something that you honestly didnt like?

Posted at

This is a question to all of the authors out there.
I began working on an origin story for the how the monster girls in my main story (The Runesmith Chronicles) came to be.

To be honest its horrifying, not in the sense that it's badly written, but in that it is truly horrifying. The events that happen in this first chapter will drive the MC's actions and decisions throughout the rest of the story/book so I felt I needed to give good descriptions and good representations of his reactions.

I did a good job I think, to the point that I don't want to go back and proofread it because it means reliving those moments through his eyes, again.

Horror is not my genre, I don't enjoy it, I don't read it. Yet here I am with a chapter that would fit nicely tucked into a horror novel.

Just curious if there are others that have done similar things, not necessarily with the horror angle but perhaps dipped a toe into a genre or scene you didn't necessarily like for the sake of driving the story?



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