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aubie56: Blog


A compliment

Posted at

I just can't stand it any longer. I have to tell the world about a compliment I got from a reader yesterday.
Quote, "you do the language so well"

I think that is the greatest compliment a writer can receive, and I am about to explode with pride! I am withholding the name of the person who said it in case of possible embarrassment. I have already told that person how much I appreciate the compliment.

Okay, back to the mundane world if I can keep from floating from my swelled head!

Indian Fighters - White Death (2)

Posted at

I would like to thank my readers for making this story my most popular, based on number of downloads per chapter. It makes me wonder if I should write nothing but Westerns. LOL

Scores and Reviews

Posted at

Today, I spotted a comment in the Forum that I think needs addressing. This was my reply:

"In answer to your comment about nobody following an author just to give him nothing but 1 as a score, well, that happened to me, and I think that it is still going on. About two years ago, I did get an e-mail saying something to the effect that the author was going to give me nothing but 1, no matter what I wrote. Well, I still get about five or so 1s for just about every story I write, so I assume that the pattern is continuing.

"The same kind of thing happened for reviews. I got an email saying that the writer would no longer review my stories and would try to keep anyone else from doing so. Since then, I have not had a review posted. As it happens, I have no idea what caused this attitude.

"From this, you can see why I look at scores and reviews with a jaundiced eye."


Posted at

I want to take a moment to thank those of you who have done me the honor of nominating one of my stories, "Faceoff," and me for the Clitoride awards. It sure would be nice to win, but I am not holding my breath. :-) Thanks a lot, folks. I do appreciate it.

Another of my stories, "Pups-R-Us," was submitted for nomination, but it ran afoul of overlapping into 2014. Dammit, I really goofed there!

Indian Fighters - White Death

Posted at

Unless some major screw up happens before then, that is the title of my next story. It is a pure Western, no aliens, no time travel, no magic-just the story of a man, some women, some Comanches, and lots of guns. I am sure that there are people who will describe the story as "gun porn," though I don't know how one can write a Western story without spending some time talking about guns. Oh, there is sex, but it is not the focus of the story. I have now done my sex-thing for a while.

Pups-R-Us was as near as I will probably every get to pure pornography. For a while, at least, the sex in my stories with be what happens at appropriate times and places between what could be real people doing real things. I don't know how long that will last, but that is my expectation for now.



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