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aubie56: Blog


Faceoff, Book 2

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You may have noticed that I posted three chapters all together after not posting in my regular times over the last 10 days. Well, the reason was that I spent that time in the hospital. In the course of around 6 hours, I went from my normal moderately active, fairly strong man to a man so weak that I could not even lift my own arms. This made a wonderful Mother's Day gift for my wife. She managed to retain her good sense and called an ambulance to take me to the Emergency Room. I was still in my pajamas and totally unable to do anything for myself; therefore, my computer was left at home, as were my glasses, and other normally essential items.

I went through two levels of Critical Care before I finally wound up in a normal hospital room. I languished there for three days while the doctors figured out what was wrong with me. After an NMR of my head, they discovered that the problem was an infected sinus. Yesterday, I had an operation to clean it out, and today they let me come home.

The infection had spread from my sinus cavity over my left eye into my blood stream and was having fun playing hell all over my body. Supposedly, the problem is now fixed, but that is why I was not able to post the three chapters that I finally got up this afternoon.

All I can say now is "Hooray for medical science!" They pumped me full of antibiotics to get the infection under general control before going into my sinus cavities (more than one) to clean out the residual mess. I am damned weak right now, so my posting of stories may be a bit erratic for a while, but I hope that won't last long.

Possible Time-Walking stories

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First of all, I want to thank everybody who sent suggestions for stories. Some of them were perfect for the kind of story I have in mind. The major point is that I want both Bill and Sally to figure significantly in the story. That means that some of the suggestions won't work unless I can come up with a twist that will let both of them play.

Currently, I am working on a story called "Time-Walking, The Silk Road." the Silk Road was the overland trade route between Europe and China, and it existed from Roman times up until around the 14th or 15th Century. My story centers on the part between Antioch and Samarkand in the 2nd Century AD. This is more of a violent story set between the caravans and the bandits that plagued them than was the first Time-Walking story.

The story makes a strong use of the crossbow, and I am sure that some people will claim that is impossible. However, remember that the crossbow was invented in China prior to 300 BC, and the Silk Road's purpose was to enable trade between China and the West. In other words, be damned sure that you check before you dismiss something as an anachronism.

This could be a long-running series if readers support it. Thanks for your help and interest so far. Oh, by the way, the level of sex in the series is going to bounce up and down (pun intended).

Ideas for future stories

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I have decided to write more stories in the "Time-Walking" series, but I need some help. I have written the start of two possible stories for the next adventure, but I am not really happy with either one of them. One is a story of the early excursions of the Vikings into northern England and the other is similar to the "... Rabbit Hole" plot, but taking place about 500 years or so earlier than in that story.

I have four chapters written for each one, but I would like to receive some suggestions for other places and eras. I will consider every suggestion I receive, but be forewarned that I will not be able to take on a story about an obscure location that will take a lot of research. My current leaning is toward Greece back when Sparta was trying to push everybody around. Another possibility might be Troy before the fabled war. I don't know a lot of African or Asian history, so I might not be able to do much with those places. Anyway, I would appreciate some reader input. Rest assured that I will credit the authors of useable suggestions.

Thanks in advance for any useful suggestions.

Faceoff, Book 2

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"This is a continuation of "Faceoff" in which a Western bounty hunter winds up in a new dimension where he becomes the second in line to the throne. These are the continuing adventures of Hank Douglas and his two wives as they battle the bad guys in an effort to save what is good about this land. Read "Faceoff, Book 1" before you read this story or you will be very confused by the story." That is the blurb for my next posting. Book 2 has 11 chapters. I am not sure at this point, but this may be the last of the Faceoff stories.

Voting allowed after all

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I decided to go back to allowing voting on my submissions despite my much too much decrying on the way the final score was computed. The reason was simple: I received too many requests to turn voting back on to ignore them. Now, I will just ignore the "pain and aggravation" of the 1s and give the readers what they wanted. Have fun, girls and guys.



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